Right Hand High and the Left Hand Low

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1st couple out to the couple on your right
and circle 4 with all your might,
Leave your lady and the gent goes on,
Join your hands and circle 3.

Take this lady with your right hand,
on to the next and circle 4,
Leave this lady where she be,
and gent goes home along.

Head 2 gents go forward and back,
Forward again with a do si do ( or elbow swing).

6 on the sides go forward and back,
With your right hand high and your left hand low,
Spin those ladies and let them go.

6 on the heads go forward and back,
With your right hand high and your left hand low,
Spin those ladies and let them go.

6 on the sides go forward and back,
With your right hand high and your left hand low,
Spin those ladies and let them go.

6 on the heads go forward and back,
With your right hand high and your left hand low,
Its home you go to your places all.

(repeat for couples 2, 3 and 4)


The first couple walks to the right, joins hands with the second couple and circles left with them.
The first gent leaves his partner with the second gent, and goes on alone to the third couple. He circles left with them. He takes the third lady on to the fourth couple, and circles left with them. He leaves the third lady there and returns alone to his home position.

**The head gents are standing alone; the side gents each have a lady on either side of them, forming lines of three. These lines of three take four steps forward, bow, and four steps back to place. The two head gents walk forward, do-si-do, and return to place. The side gents now raise the left hand of the lady on their right, and pass the left hand lady in front of them, through this arch. At the same time, the right hand lady crosses in front of them.Each lady crosses in front of the side gent, and goes on to the nearest side of the head gent.

*o* Taking the hands of the head gents, they form new lines of three. These lines walk forward and bow, and retire to place. The side gents do-si-do. The ladies cross in front of the head gents and walk on to the side gents, taking their hands.

Repeat ** and then repeat *o*. The ladies will have traveled once around the square and back to their partner.