NOTE: These pictures are in the process of being sorted!

Manning Prov. Park, BC

Heather Trail

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel

Waterton Lakes NP, Alberta

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel

Cathedral Prov. Park, BC

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel

Yoho, NP

Mt. Borgeau area

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel


(c)2002 Eric Praetzel

Paget Peak

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel

Mt. Burgess

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel

Lougheed Prov. Park, Alberta

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel


Here is the wild and dangers Ericous Hikus on the Iceline trail:
(c)2002 Eric Praetzel

No trip is complete without squirrels - the backpack thieves:
(c)2002 Eric Praetzel

Here is a Ptarmigan (sp?) in Manning Prov. Park, BC.
(c)2002 Eric Praetzel