Parker Ridge Hike, Banff NP

6:30am - hard rain as I head for Jasper and Cirque Pk and Mt. Wilcox scrambles
7:45am - two pictures of Peto lake (snowing)
8:45am - Parker Ridge - unmarked trail on wrong side of ridge
10:45 - tiny bit of blue - shot of ridge
11:00am, 11:30am it is still snowing
11:40pm - I'm finally going up the ridge.
1:40pm - All finished and back at the car.
There was lots of waiting for a clearing sky. On top there was snow and lots of wind.

Now this was an interesting hike!
For the past few days snow fell at higher elevations and temperatures were cool to cold. I had planned to scramble up two peaks but quick gave up when the drive to Parker Ridge involved 2cm of snow at Peto Lake and light snowstorm conditions on the road.

I was not quite sure where this hike started. The map indicated that it was before the switch-back climb and there appeared to be a trail at the bottom in the parking lot. I figured that it was just another unmarked trail and followed it. It followed the river; up a very steep hill. The hill / ridge was braided with trails - some very close to the river; and very dangerous given how slippery it was with the drizzle / snow.

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel

After about 30 min. I came to the conclusion that I was definately not on the trail - or it was too dangerous to continue. I then drove back up the hill; and found the real trailhead. Weather conditions were still not very good at the time - but the real snow storm was yet to come!

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel

I waited in the parking lot for 3 hours for conditions to inprove. The conditions changed, but primarily got worse. At least the rain had stoped (it started snowing lightly) and so I figured it was time to head out. I had all day to spend on this hike as any mountain scrambles would be very dangerous.

There is a well built trail switch-backing up the ridge - unfortunately dammaged by people who keep cutting the switchbacks. The view just gets better and better - if you can see anything. By the time I was about 1/2 of the way up the snow started and at the top the snow was so bad that it was hiding the trail.

I figured that it would be impossible to see a freshly snow covered glacier with all of the ground covered with the same fresh snow - and so I headed down. About 1/2 of the way down the ridge the snow stoped and the clouds were actually lifting. For the first time I could see some of the surrounding peaks!

I then started backup the ridge - waiting and slowly walking - hoping that the view would improve more. As before the view changed, but it didn't really improve. Eventually I gave up and headed back down; hoping that there were some other short hikes which I could do that day.

These pictures were taken at the top of the ridge; and then on the way back down.

(c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel (c)2002 Eric Praetzel

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