Eric Praetzel - East Coast Trail, Newfoundland

These pictures are from an August 2000 trip taken with 100 or 200ASA negative film.

This is the East Coast Trail near St. Johns. Unfortunately it was foggy one the one day of our hiking and foggy / rainy on the second day.

You can get information about the trail at
These pictures are from the Cape Spear area (hiking south) and Bay Bulls (hiking north). We spent a few hours trying to find our way to the trail at Shoal bay Road but gave up. There were many confusing trails.

We did see some whales on the way back to Bay Bulls.

It is a wonderfull trail that is quite scenic.

(c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel (c)2000 Eric Praetzel

(c)2000 Eric Praetzel

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