Eric Praetzel - Forks of the Credit Provincial Park
Most of these pictures are from the Devils Pulpit, on the Bruce Trail, just south of the
Forks of the Credit Prov. Park. The view there is exceptional when the leaves are in color.
The pictures were shot with a 1965 Rolleicord using 6x6 format for a few pictures and 3 x 6 format for the rest [6x6 cm and 3x6 cm negatives]. I can directly scan the 3x6 negs but not the 6x6 ones on my HP S20 slide / negative scanner.
Caveats for 2000 pictures
- I didn't setup the camera properly and ended up shooting pictures of the sky, not the trees.
- I used film that had expired 5 years ago and the color is definately off.
- The square images are scans of the proofs of the 110 (6cm square negative) film. The scanner
had some dust so there is a color strip on them.
- The focus is really off on some of the 6x6 pictures; I'm not sure why but I'm going back for better pictures in 2001.
Devil's Pulpit view:
These were 6x3 cm negatives, shot badly.
These pictures were taken one week after the pictures above.
Oct. 2001 Pictures
December 23, 1990
The Bruce Trail goes to the right of this house down a laneway. It is well hidden!
Here is the view from the summit. I'm not sure where the last picture was taken.
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