Our canoe trip took about 4 hours to go out, take a lunch and snack break and 2 hours coming back.
We used by Killarney Kanoes because that way we didn't have to drive anywhere to pick up anything - just one phone call and no pollution generated.
Killarney Park was running a "Park Once Contest" - to encourage people to just park once and walk within the campground. But why even drive out of the campground when that can be avoided with a phone call? Killarney Outfitters requires you to drive to their location to pick up equipment.
Here is the view from the George Lake Campground beach.
We left from the beach into seemingly calm waters. But the winds were East-West like the lake and so we quickly hit some small white caps and a bit of spray into the canoe. Amy was not impressed and wailing until we took shelter in a quiet cove.
Freeland lake is pretty choked with plants and floating sand islands. In the early 1990's this lake was pretty impassable so water levels must have increased.
This lake was fairly calm and we just lazily explored.
These first three pictures are from the portage point.
Here is what looks like an unused beaver lodge:
Here we're comming up to the next portage.
This lake is esp. destroyed by acid raid - it's very clear. We saw a Loon dive and then swim under the water! We also saw some animals that didn't look like Loons but they dove like a Loon and sounded a lot like a duck.