Killarney Prov. Park 2016 La Cloche Hike

We had a great visit to: Science North

We reserved:
H16 Three Narrows Lk
H34 David Lake
H45 Bunnyrabbit Lk

food pack ~32 lb at start (extra food, had left overs)
other pack ~35lb
kids carried their own sleep bags, mattress, clothes and most of their lunches

Breakfast was quick cook oatmeal (4.5c dry oats and 2.25L water) with dates and rasins

Day 1 - 4am on the road, 9am at the park, 9:40am hiking, 4pm at site 16, 14.4km - shoulders very sore
Day 2 - 9am start, stopped at 17,18,20,22 break/swim, site 23 at 5pm, 16.0km - small stream for water
Day 3 - 9am start, stopped H31 for swim, site H34 at 4pm - Al and Mike joined us - 13.0km
Day 4 - 8:30am start, 10am at junction for Silver Peak - fog all morning, light rain after this, H45 at ~1pm, pushed to Heaven Lake and then Little Mtn Lake H49 at 4:45pm,  18.6km
  Heaven lk was much less murky than before

Day 5 - light rain since midnight, pause during breakfast then rain all day, 8:15am start, out at 1:10pm - wonderful shower, lots of spare lunch snack

* * * * * * 

H49 to end 11.4km

Times from Killarney Prov. Park La Cloche Silhouette Trail Guide by Friends of Killarney similar to our times
H1 to 16: 15m + 30 min + 1h + 15m + 1:45 + 2:30 + 1:20

h16 to h23  1:40 + 1:00 + 1:10 + 1:15 + 2 + 0:20

h23 to h34: 3 + 1:30 + 3:30 + 3:00

h34 to H49: 2:05 + 1:10 + 2:15 + 3:00

H49 out 3:00 + 1:15 + 1:05 + 

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