In our July 2012 visit we noticed several honey locust trees growing. They have amazing thorns and are not supposed to be found this far north.
It snowed the night after our visit!
Everything that you want to do in this town costs money. If you want to park your car to
see the falls, it's $10. Then you pay again to walk down to the river edge. The part
of the town by the falls seems to be one big circus - tons of horror houses and
food vendors.
This view is from the Maid of the Mist boat launch.
This is the falls as seen from the Canadian side.
Here is the whirlpool. The water level was low at this time of the year. How the
water flows thru the whirlpool changes with the amount of water.
Here are the falls on the USA side of the river.
These pictures are from the town itself:
Lastly before the falls, on the Canadian side, there is a big hydro dam. This picture was taken near sundown.
Walking out to this area we passed Honey Locust trees. The cluster of thorns protruding from the trunk are unmistakable.
It is very hard to find a place to watch the locks in operation. The signs to the visitor center at a lock didn't exist or were well hidden - but we never found the visitor center. We found locks - fully fenced so that you can't get near and watch them in operation. Out of frustration we continued down the road to the Thorold Tourist Information Center by going along the Welland Canal Parkway.
By the Information Center there were some stands from which one could see the lock in operation.