2 nights at site 2 on Doe Lake Hike to Flagpole Hill (Rideau Trail) (big rock hill) aprox 3.5km round trip (GREAT HIKE) Doe Lake Trail (3km round trip) past Visitors Center with stops at Kemp Mine 1900, Lee trapper shanty 1 night at site 7 on Birch Lake Hiked to Arkon Lake viewpoint and Page/Amey/Burley homesteads (1832-1945) Hiked to Bennett home and Birch Lake mines (1882 1935) from P1138 portage Hiked from P1003 behind site 8 to Tett Mines and mine office boarding house (1899-1926) with oil steam boiler for mine hoists and campsite 12 on Lynch Lake
Here is the end of the portage to Doe Lake and the view from the water.
This is the view beside the campsite. It includes an old beaver lodge upon which snakes like to sun themselves. There are also otter in the area.
Paddling around Doe Lake.
Sunset from campsite #2
Sunrise from campsite #2
This hike goes to the Kemp Mine 1900 and the Lee trapper shanty.
This is a wonderful hike with a great view.
We hiked from P1003, behind site 8, to Tett Mines and mine office boarding house (1899-1926) with oil steam boiler for mine hoists and campsite 12 on Lynch Lake. The steam boiler isn't easy to find. When you enter a clearing (where the office house was) there will be a drop off on the side, where there is some evidence of mines. If you go into the ravine you'll find fenced off mines, and by climbing the ridge behind those mines you will eventually find the steam boiler. Note that once you've done this you'll find an easy trail to take you back to the meadow.
This is the viewpoint near the homesteads.
If you take the wrong turn and ????