enter at long lake lodge 1:45pm portage to Buzzard lake 420m portage to Mountain L 684m portage to Stoplog Lk 684m paddle to campsite 561 and paddle around - saw beaver paddle around, unable to find portage south along creek - it's thru campsite 562 3:29pm at portage? 0321 3:45pm at portage? 0326 3:59pm StopLog to Mountain 0328 4:29pm campsite: 0331 Heard wolves howling that night and the next - amazing.
Sunrise 0364 7:04, 0365 7:10am, 0367 7:12am - change in light 8:58am heading out 0370 portage to Compass Lk 220m steep hill portage to creek to Cherry Lk 166m steep hill, looks like it can not be paddled 9:43am portage to Cherry Lk 0375 9:47am 0376 At cherry lk !! portage back to Compass Lk 10:40am 0385 portage to Loucks Lk 70m + 500m + 95m (tried to paddle middle section going out) portage to Cox Lk 130m + 110m lunch at site 521 - lots of cranberries ! 12:24 0393 portage to Loucks Lk 2:46pm portage 0398 portage to Cherry Lk portage to Stoplog Lk 2:59pm out of portage 0401 3:36pm at campsite 0402 6:51pm at campsite 562 (?) portage with unknown portages along creek 0404
Not gonna "paddle" this!
rain starting just before sunrise (light) ~8am start, portage to Compass Lk 220m portage to Loucks Lk 70m + 500m + 95m paddle out, got out ~11:30am saw two loons on the way out
No pictures, while paddling, due to rain.
Hiked Unofficial Eels Creek Trail 11:45am 0423 start 12:26pm 0432 at waterfall 1:07pm 0436 finished many braided trails, bushwacked more coming back than going out, lots of mud, swimming at the falls, buggy, was not worth it