Eric Praetzel Vacation Pictures - Guadalupe Peak Hike - Guadalupe Mountains NP
The hike to the peak is fairly easy and you can be at the peak in less than 2 hours. Keep in mind
that you can experience very strong wind gusts and winds and that you are hiking up the side of
mountains. I experienced temperatures that varied from near freezing to quite hot from day to day.
It took me 5 hours to climb up Guadalupe Peak and hike the Devils Hall trails on the same day.
The view from the top is very nice; assuming that you are not in the midst of a dust storm and
that the pollution is not being blown in. Visibiltiy was quite good when I was there; well good
relative to Big Bend.
Guadalupe Peak Hike
The previous three pictures can be joined to form:
Marker on Guadalupe Peak
Tejas Trail on the distant slope
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