Colonesse (line of 3 couples) [Rosina](Guglielmo 1460) 16 Saltarelli -- in 6/4 -- Couple 1 stands still, as Couple 2 take R hands and circle with SL, SR, DL, take L hands and circle with SR, SL, DR, RevL facing forward, as Couple 3, holding hands, weaves to top with SL, SR, DL, DR, DL, DR. Man ends on woman's side and woman on man's side. Repeat twice more, in new positions, so end as started except switched sides. -- in 2/4 -- Men circle partner CCW with Piva L, Piva R, Piva L. Women circle partner CW with Pive R, Piva L, Piva R. -- in 4/4 -- Men Movi, Women Movi. DR, back, away from partner. DL, frwd and turning to face front. Dance is repeated with roles reversed.