La Dance de Cleves (couple) [Dr. Ingrid Brainard] (Toulouze 1488) R b, ss, ddd, ss, d backwards flowers - men: ss forward, d backward, ss d turning over left shoulder women: ss d in a small circle over right shoulder, ss forwrd, d backward ss, d, backwards reprise, b hearts - ss moving slightly away from each other (the side of the heart), d turning towards each other facing down back at the start of "hearts" repeat ss d doing a heart in the other direction and finish at the start again ss, ddd, ss, d back, b R Steps: (s)Single - step lightly and carry through (do not close) (d) Double - three steps, the first down (knee bent), the second up (on toe), the third flat (R) Reverance (ladies) - wait 2 counts, on 3 bend knees slightly, on 4 rise and back up Reverance (men) - move left foot forward, sweep left foot back, shift weight onto back leg with knee bent, straighten back leg back gracefully into standing position (b) Bransle - shift weight slowly to side and back to center Reprise - sweep foot behind, rock back, forward, & back