Marchesana (couples) [Rosina] (Domenico 1450) --- in 4 --- 8 salterelli Lord stamp L R L, then DR. Lady same. --- in 6 --- Hands, RipL, RipR, drop hands R hands, circle with SL,SR,DL drop hands, RipR L hands, circle with SL,SR,DL drop hands, RipR DL, DR frwd, passing L shoulders. Mv (SL, SR), RipL, RipR. Continenze = L and R. Reverenza --- in 4 --- Movimenti (Lord then Lady), Both DL frwd Movimenti (Lady then Lord), Both DR frwd. DL with a leap (L,R,L, leap onto R) turning to end side by side. Note: This reconstruction is made to fit the music on Mesure et Arte del Danzare. The dance may have to be changed slightly for live music or other recordings.