Nonesuch (4 couples in a line) (Playford 1651) Verse 1 Forward and back a double (2x); Set & turn single (2x) Chorus 1 Couple 1 move down the center below couble 2 using 4 sideways steps Couple 1 push couple 2 angled out; Turn couple 2 in Push couple 2 angled in; Turn couple 2 out (couple 2 ends in couple 1's place) Couple 1 turn for 8 counts (moving down below couple 3) Repeat pushing for couples 3 & 4 Verse 2 Side right; Side left; Set & turn single (2x) Chorus 2 Form a line (one at a time) with double into the center - first man starts, then first lady, then second man, etc. (men face up, ladies face down) Verse 3 Arm right; Arm left; 3 slips to own left & back; 3 slips to own right & back Chorus 3 Break the line with a dobule back to own side (one at a time as before) End Grand right & left, starting with top couple