Oranges and Lemons (4 couples in a square)(Playford 1686) Verse 1: Forward and Back a double Chorus 1: Men Quick reverance to partner; Quick reverance to corner Join hands and circle halfway around Ladies:Quick reverance to partner; Quick reverance to corner Join hands and circle halfway around Verse 2: Partners side right and left Chorus 2: Partners join right hands and each step to own right Partners join left hands and each step to own left Grand right and left, starting with right to partner Every second person repeat until back to original place Verse 3: Partners arm right and left (Couple 1 moves quickly to face Couple 2; Couple 3 moves quickly to face Couple 4) Chorus 3: Quick reverance to other couple; Quick reverance to partner Each pair of couples circle halfway to the left Couple 2 quickly backs into the 3rd place, couple 1 following. At the same time, Couple 4 quickly backs into the 1st place, couple 3 following Repeat this pattern until everyone returns to their places