Parson's Farewell (2 couples facing)(Playford 1651) Verse 1 (Partners join hands) Meet a double. (Join both hands with contrary) Four slips apart. Double back, four slips together (to places). Chorus 1 Men rise once. Ladies rise once. All rise 4 times. Turn contrary (by both hands). Ladies rise, men rise. All rise 4 times. Turn contrary. Verse 2 (Partners join hands) Meet a double. Lead a double away with contrary. (Change hands) Meet a double. Double back with partner. Chorus 2 Men cross with right hands. Cross left hands with contrary. Men cross with right hands. Cross left hands with partner. Ladies as much, except starting with left hands. Verse 3 (Partners join both hands) Four slips into center. (Join both hands with contrary) Four slips away with contrary. Four slips into center (Partners join hands) Four slips to places. Chorus 3 Turn partner (by right hands). Men change places (passing left shoulders). Pass contrary (by right shoulders). Turn partner (both hands). Ladies as much except beginning with left hand.