The Health (4 couples in a line) (Playford 1651) Verse 1 Lead a double up the hall, double back. Set and turn single (2x) Chorus 1 Couples 1 & 4 meet a double, turn back to back (in center of set), cast off around couples 2 & 3 going into 2nd and 3rd places; while couples 2 & 3 move into 1st and 4th places. Couples 2 & 3 as much. Verse 2 (all join hands backwards) Circle 8 slip steps right (halfway round). Set and turn single As much again to the left. Chorus 2 Couples 1 & 4 meet, turn back to back. (Join hands backwards) Circle around falling into 2nd and 3rd places; while couples 2 & 3 move into 1st and 4th. Couples 2 & 3 do as much. Verse 3 Change places two hands with partner. Men 1 & 2 and men 3 & 4 change by both hands; while ladies do the same. Set and turn single. As much again back to places. Chorus 3 Couples 1 & 4 meet a double, clap four times. Right hand star falling into 2nd & 3rd places; while couples 2 & 3 move into 1st and 4th places Couples 2 & 3 as much with a left hand star.