Tracks of the Wolf (Longways and circle for 4 couples)(Michaela, 20th C) Music: Goddesses Part 1: Start with line of couples facing partner (4 count intro) 4-count reverence Double forward, passing partner by rt shoulders Single forward 2-count turn to face partner Double forward, passing partner by lt shoulders 4-count turn to face partner, take right hands 8-count reverence (32 cts total) Part 2: C1 (top of line): turn and face down line (4 cts) C2: move to women's side and face line (4 cts) C3: move to men's side and face line (4 cts) C4: move forward, completing a square of couples (4 cts) Part 3: Side Rt & Lt w/ partner (16 cts) Set and turn , end facing corner (8 cts) Side Rt & Lt w/ corner (16 cts) Set and turn , end side-by-side w/ partner facing center (8 cts) Part 4: C1 & C4: Move to center (4 cnts) Turn woman under and into man's place while turning to face out (4 cnts) Move back to place (4 cnts) Turn woman under & into orig. place while turning to face in (4 cnts) AT SAME TIME ---- C2 & C3: Turn woman under and into man's place (4 cnts) Move away from center (4 cnts) Turn woman under and into orig. place (4 cnts) Move back to orig. place (4 cnts) Part 5: Repeat Part 3 using arming (48 cnts) Part 6: Repeat Part 4 switching couple directions (16 cnts) Part 7: Women form right hand star Move halfway around circle to opposite (4 cnts total) Women extend left hand to opposite's left, turn under man's arm while walkingbehind him (4 cnts) Women form right hand star Move halfway around circle to partner (4 cnts total) Women extend left hand to partner's left, men drop to one knee, women walk behind him (4 cnts) Reverence