Wandering Eye (4 couples in a square)(Dafydd Arth, 20th C) music: The Mare of Fanad by Maggie Sanstone Verse 1 Couples 1 & 3 - Forward and back a double Couples 2 & 4 - Forward and back a double M1/L2 & M3/L4 - Same M2/L3 & M4/L1 - Same Chorus 1 Men Clap, Clap, Step Rt, Turn half around Women same Rotate around circle - Rt and Lt (4 cnts/person) Verse 2 Side right with partner; Side left with partner Side right with corner; Side left with corner Chorus 2 Same as Chorus 1 except women start Verse 3 Arm right with partner; Arm left with partner Arm right with corner; Arm left with corner Repeat Chorus 1 Verse 4 Women right hand star (16 cnts) Last 4 cnts grab partners right hand and switch places Men left hand star (16 cnts) Repeat Chorus 2