Drive the Cold winter away Longways for as many as will * * * * ( ( ( ( -------------------------------O---------------------------------- |) | | || | -------------------*-----|--|-----------|--|-----|--------||--O--| | | *. | | | | * | || | | b------|-----------|--|--*--|-----|-----|--*. |--*--------||--|--| | |) O | | * | * | *. * || | | ----|--|--|--|--------|-----------|--*------ (|-----------||-----| | *. | | * || | ----|-----*--|---------------------------------------------------- * * (just the first refrain from drive the cold winter away) _______________________________________________________________________________ Leade up all a D. forwards and back _.__ That againe _:__ First man backe a D. then goe downe between the rest and turne the last Wo but one then the last, and stay there while the other men go between the 2. and the third We. and goe toward the left hand and fall downe to the first man _.__ First man back, then goe up between the rest, turne the second Wo. then the first while the men go between the two last We. turne towards the right hand and goe up to your places _:__ ________________________________________ Sides all _.__ That again _:__ This as before, the We. doing it _:__ ________________________________________ Armes all _.__ That again _:__ As at the first _:__