The Glory of the West For foure * ) ( * _______________________________________________________________________________ Meet a D. fall back, open and close _._ fall back a D. meet, open and close _:_ Back men , We. turne S. back We. men turne S. men crosse over, We. cross over, hands round and goe halfe to your places. ________________________________________ Sides with the Co.We.set to them _._ sides with your owne Wo. set to her _:_ Men turne off to the left hand and fall behinde your We. back to back, turne back againe to your places, We. as much, change places round till you come to your owne places , then take right hands a cross , and goe round to your places _:_ ________________________________________ Armes as you sided _:_ Men meet, We. meet , and give right hands a crosse , men goe under their armes to your owne places, men hands a crosse, and We. goe under as the men did, men right hands to the Co. We. then left hands to their owne, and fall into the contary places, hand in a ring and goe halfe round to your places, Falling all a brest to the presence _:_