Mundesse Round for six * /\ ( * * \/ _______________________________________________________________________________ Hands and two D. round, set and turne S. _._ That againe _:_ First man set and turne S. _._ His Wo. as much _:_ First man honor to his Wo. 2. as much 3. as much All embrace Turne your own _._ Turn Co. _:_ ________________________________________ First man lead his Wo. a D. forwards and back _._ Lead forwards again, go each between the 2. Cu. and come back againe in the same First Wo. set and turn S. _._ to the Co. man _._ the man as much _:_ Honor to her next man, honor ro the Co. Wo. 3. honor. Imbrace all. As before _:_ ________________________________________ First Wo. lead the Co. man as before _:_ Second man set and turne S. to his own Wo. _:_ the Wo. as much _:_ honor to her next man, first honor, Imbrace all your We. As before _:_ ________________________________________ Lead in, every man doing as the first did.