Peppers Black Round for as many as will * /\ ( * * ) \/ * _______________________________________________________________________________ Take hands and goe twice round _.__ Back again _:__ All set and Turne S. _.__ That againe _:__ ________________________________________ First Cu. leade a D. forward and backe to the 2. _.__ That again _:__ Turne each others Wo. _._ Turne your owne _:__ Doe this change to all, the rest doing the like. ________________________________________ First Cu. lead to the 2. Cu. as before _:__ The S. Hey all foure _:__ Do this change to all, the rest doing the like _.:___ ________________________________________ First Cu. and 2. man take hands, tahe the man on your left hand, lead a D. forward and back again _:__ Bring your Wo. under your left arme, holding both fast, turne your body halfe round to the left hand _.__ Bring your man under your right arme, turn halfe about to your right hand _:__ Doe thus to all.