Prince Ruperts March Longways for eight * * * * ) ) ) ) _______________________________________________________________________________ Lead all round to the right hand and come to you places againe _:__ First man turn downe to the right hand and stand before the last Wo. The 2. man before the 3. the third man before the 2 Wo your faces all to the left hand marche towards the wall and change places with the We _.__ Doe this again to you places _:__ ________________________________________ Lead round to the left as at the first _:__ The We. doe as the men have done, onely they must go downe behind the men, and stand as the men did before them _.__ Back againe to your places _:__ ________________________________________ Lead round to the right, as at the first _:__ Men march all on the outside of the We. the We. marching downe on the outside of the men open all a D. and close againe _.__ The We. marche up to their places on the outside and the men in the We. open all and crose againe _:__