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Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme by J. B. Lully (1632–1687) LWV43 Molière
for Voice, Orchestra 1670 Baroque
Collection Philidor Laisnée, ca 1690 Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 More Information 2006/05/10
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Psyché by J. B. Lully (1632–1687) LWV56 Quinault, Lully, Thomas Corneille, Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle
for Voice, Orchestra 1678 Baroque
Collection Philidor Laisnée, 1690-1702 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 More Information 2008/08/14
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Phaéton by J. B. Lully (1632–1687) LWV61 P. Quinault (1635-1688)
for Voice, Orchestra 1683 Baroque
Paris, Christophe Ballard, 1683 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 More Information 2009/06/02
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Acte II, Scene III from Armide by J. B. Lully (1632–1687) LWV 71 P. Quinault (1635-1688)
for Voice (Tenor), String Ensemble, Basso Continuo   Baroque
Ballard, 1686 Public Domain More Information 2013/02/21
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Armide by J. B. Lully (1632–1687) LWV71 P. Quinault (1635-1688)
for Voice, Orchestra 1686 Baroque
Ballard, Paris, 1686 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 More Information 2007/10/04
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Salve Regina by J. B. Lully (1632–1687) LWV 77  
for Voice and Bass   Baroque
Philidor, 1703-1706 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 More Information 2009/11/01
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Ebra d'Amor fuggia, Cantata a voce sola di Soprano by F. Mancini (1672–1737)    
for Voice (Soprano) and Basso Continuo   Baroque
Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella, DM90132501375 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 More Information 2007/11/25
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Ciaccona by B. Marcello (1686–1739) Op. 2, No. 13  
for Recorder and Basso Continuo   Baroque
Gieddes Samling I,51 mu 6208.0385 U68 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 More Information 2007/11/25
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Gavotte by G. B. Martini (1706–1784)    
for Piano, Violin   Baroque
C. F. Peters, n.d.(ca.1891) Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 More Information 2011/09/17
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Duo Seraphim by C. Monteverdi (1567–1643)    
for Voices (TTT), Basso Continuo 1610 Baroque
Sanctissimae Virgini Missa senis vocibus ac Vesperae pluribus decantandae, cum nonnullis sacris concentibus, ad Sacella sive Principum Cubicula accommodata. Opera a Claudio Monteverde nuper effecta ac Beatiss. Paulo V. Pont. Max. consecrata. - Venetiis, apud Ricciardum Amadinum. 1610. - in 4°. Cantus, Tenor, Altus, Bassus, Quintus, Sextus, Septimus, et Bassus Generalis Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 More Information 2010/02/01
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