Siege Engines Participation

This page is for giving credit to the siege engine builders and designers for having their engine participate in the ISWC

EngineEngine BuilderKingdomDescriptionCategory
ValfrekrHrelgarEastDocmo-style ArbalestDF/B
FenrisGraywolf the GonnerEastDocmo-style ArbalestDF/B
RavenclawGeoffrey of Bleasedale, Emma ElizabethEastDocmo-style ArbalestDF/B
BropertyFaelan Sean Powell, Katy the ObscureEastDocmo-style ArbalestDF/B
LichGraywolf the GonnerEastDocmo-style ArbalestDF/B
ThirstOskarEastDocmo-style ArbalestDF/B
Black PrincessGraywolfEastDocmo-style ArbalestDF/B
Baroness Alys's Revenge?Caid?DF/B
Plague Rat?Caid?DF/B
Sol's Bane?Caid?IF/A
Widow MakerMaster Quinn Phelan?CaidBallistaDF/A or DF/B

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