Arch in the Middle and the Ends Turn In

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The head two couples go forward and back
Forward again
Take the opposite split the sides
Separate, go around one to a line of four
Forward eight, back you go
Forward again, pass through
Arch in the middle, the ends turn in

Circle four in the middle of the floor, once around
Pass through, split the sides
Separate, go round one to a line of four
Forward eight, back you go
Forward again, pass through
Arch in the middle. the ends turn in.

Circle four in the middle of the floor, once around
Pass through allemande left (or do-si-do etc.)


Alternate Opening:
Heads (sides) pass through - separate - go around two Hook on the ends - Make a line of four


Couples #1 and #3 walk in to the centre of the set and back to place. The same couples move forward again, the gents taking the opposite lady as new partner, turn to face out to the side couples. Side couples step apart to allow the head couples to pass between them, then step in to partner and face the centre while the head ladies turn right and walk around behind and stand beside side gents. Meanwhile, the head gents are walking around behind the side ladies to stand beside side ladies and forming a line of four. The two lines move forward to the centre and back. The two lines move forward again and pass through the approaching line of four, hands at sides, right shoulder to right shoulder with the person facing you (ladies meet gents). Side couples make an arch in the middle of the line and the person on each end of the line comes around to take the person from the other end of the line by the hand to dive under the arch and meet the couple coming from the opposite side, join hand with the opposite couple and circle left, once, all the way around while the side couples turn to face the centre with the lady walking under the arch and the gent walking around behind her. The two couples in the middle pass through with the couple facing, pass between the side couples as before and repeat above instructions to the point where the head couples pass through to meet the corner with the left hand for an allemande left.