Duck For The Oyster

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a visiting dance



First couple go out to the right and circle a half.
Duck for the oyster, duck *1
Now dig for the clam, now dig.*2
Duck for the oyster, dig for the clam,
dive for the hole in the old tin can.
Turn the tin can inside out.*3
Dive on through go no to the next.



*1 Number 1 couple walks to their right, circles with cple 2 and dips under the arch of cple 2 and backs out. No one must let go of each others hands until the last line of the call.

*2 Couple 2 now dips under the arch of cple 1 and backs out.

*3 Couple 1 ducks under the arch of cple 2 and stands straight up. Couple 1 raised their own joined hands and both first gent and first lady backs under the arch that they made (back to back)and rotates so that they are facing each other. They continue to hold their arch high and pull cple 2 through that arch and once through, only then do couple 2 unravel, and all are facing in.

The last line has couple 2 make an arch and cple 1 dives under that arch, lets go of cple 2's hands and moves on to cple 3 to repeat the pattern.