Take a Peek

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visiting dance

First Change.

Music: Any reel will do


First couple out to the couple on the right,
Go round that couple and take a little peek.
Back to the centre and swing your sweet.
Go round that couple and peek once more,
Back to the centre and swing all four.
Swing all four in the middle of the floor.

On to the next. (#)

Follow with couples 2 - 3 - 4

(1) First couple walks to the couple on the right and faces them, not holding hands.
(2) The first girl steps to the right of the second couple, as the first boy steps to the left of them. Without going around them, the first girl and boy lean out past them and take a peek.
(3) First couple goes back to the center of the set and swings there.
(4) They separate again and take a peek again, around the second couple.
(5) They return to the center and now both couples swing.
(6) The first couple now goes to the third and repeats the figure with them. They go to the fourth then, and do the figure with them.

Variation: (accumulative)
The version that I remember doing at The Barn in Stepney was:
First couple lead to the right, Go around that couple take a peek, etc, etc. Then, those two couples circle four once around. Both couples then go on to #3. (#2 will be behind #1)
1 & 2 will go around couple 3 for a 'double peek'. 1 & 2 swing their "sweet." Both couples peek once more. Circle 6 once around. Three couples (2 behind #1 and #3 behind #2) go on to the last couple for a 'triple peek.' Three couples swing partner. Triple Peek once more. After that I don't remember what the finish would be. Maybe circle eight. Swing partner to place.

Now- it might be considered an awkward dance, but I remember it as a pleasant, interesting variation. This was in l955-56.
Allen Brozek