April 2016
3 MEETING: 4:30-7pm at the Church. Garb workshop and research.456789
10 MEETING: 4:30-7pm at the Church. Garb workshop and research.111213141516
17 MEETING: 4:30-7pm at the Church. PVC Bow workshop.181920212223
24 SPECIAL EVENT: 4:30-7pm
Superior Municipal Forest
42nd St & Billings Drive
Superior, WI
Moot and Archery.

May 2016
1 MEETING: 4:30-7pm at the Church. Fiber Arts: card weaving, chordadge, etc.234567
8 MEETING: 4:30-7pm at the Church. Paoer arts.91011121314
15 MEETING: 4:30-7pm at the Church. Fletching workshop.161718192021
22 Moot: 4:30-7pm NOT at the Church. Location TBD.232425262728