Welcome to our humble Shire of the Inner Sea

We invite adventurous souls with open arms and warm hearts. Come, share in our excitement and love for medieval re-enactment. We have within our halls useful information to satisfy hungry minds. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We stand ready and willing to help.

Who are we?

The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA), is an international, 501(c)3 educational non-profit, educational organization.

The Shire of the Inner Sea is the local group of the SCA based in Duluth, MN. We are a part of the region known as the Kingdom of Northshield.

o We strive to recapture the ambiance of the Middle Ages and Renaissance by researching and re-creating the dress, weaponry, armor, jewelry, food, along with the arts and skills of the of the pre-17th century life styles.

o The "Known World" currently consists of 19 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries all around the world.

Members, dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, attend events which may feature tournaments, arts exhibits, classes, workshops, dancing, feasts, and more. Our "royalty" hold courts at which they recognize and honor members for their contributions to the group.

Come join us as we revive the time of knights and their ladies. A time when kings were made by their prowess in battle, and kingdoms won and lost by the stroke of a single sword—where honor and chivalry ruled the day.

*** Disclaimer ***

This is the recognized Web Page for the Shire of the Inner Sea of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The Maintainer of this page is Kira. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies. All material here on should be considered under copyright protections according to U.S. law and international treaty, and may not be reused or linked to without the permission of the author, artist, or other copyright owner as designated. In case of conflict with printed versions of material printed on this page or its links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version unless otherwise indicated.

Last updated September 24, 2015. Web service graciously donated by sca.uwaterloo.ca