Eric's Mt Hurricane Adirondack Vacation Pictures


Hiked Hurricane Mt 2,000' elevation, rain coming down(only light), out 3:10pm hiker suggested Big Slide climb.

The hike was mostly forest covered until the very top - but then there was a wonderful view.

(c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel

The fire tower is in sight. You may notice that the lower two flights of treads on the stairs have been removed. The metal structure seems solid but the wood was getting old and weak. I hope that they restore the tower - the view from the top was great!

(c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel (c)2011 Eric Praetzel
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