some light at 5:30am, 9 min to heat 7c water for oatmeal, almost missed the 2km road to Garabaldi trailhead - hiked to Garabaldi lake campsite (1/2 full) with gear, then pushed to the Tusk - nice cooking cabins at Campsite
For years I've been meaning to hike in and camp. We had a blast - but one night was too little really hike around. It didn't help that we hiked in, setup camp and then hiked the Black Tusk in the same day. Feet were blistered and sore and the kids complaining to no end.
I met Reed Gower as he was doing sunrise photos the next day with an amazing camera setup. Check out his TED talk and other work.
The hike timeline:
start: 11:42am
campsite setup: 2:39pm
start Black Tusk hike: 3:18pm
Black Tusk shoulder: 5:20pm
at campsite for supper: 7:12pm
Sadly the climb to the peak wasn't done as the family was split - some staying just below the shoulder, another at the shoulder and I wasn't allowed to complete a hike that nobody else was going to do. The kids complained but pushed and pushed on. I'd forgotten just how nasty the winds can be. The hike started hot but the winds made it very cold to be up there and with the steep drop I was worried about the kids..
Aug 20
packed out -sunrise over the lake was nice - right knee pain bad, stunning shoulder pain from the duffle-pack, drove to Lilooet, twisty slow road - views around Lilooet are amazing, Steelhead Prov Park nearely 150 pictures up at Garabaldi nearly drained battery. Whistler was horrible to drive in - would have liked to do Wedgemont and Singing Pass Water levels everywhere are very low, cold morning
When we arrived back in the parking lot it was clear that someone tried to pry open the passenger door of the car.
Broke camp 11:15am
Down at car at 2:06pm