

Courantes are another type of early period dance. Courantes are documented in Arbeau's Orchesography although there are many sources for Courante (or Coranto) music, and a few modern scholars have choreographed their own versions. One of these is presented here.



Courantes are danced with their own style of steps, being courante steps. These are singles and doubles done with hops in them.

All of the Courante steps can be done sideways (in which case the notation indicated will be used), or forwards (in which case the notation SLcf/DLcf/SRcf/DRcf will be used), or backwards (in which case the notation SLcb/SRcb/SRcb/DRcb will be used).


SLc -- Courante Single Left (2 beats)



Preliminary hop, bringing your left foot into the air.


Step on to your left foot.


JR and close

Slight hop on left foot, and bring your right foot up towards your left foot, landing with feet together.


DLc -- Courante Double Left (4 beats)



Preliminary hop on your right foot.


Step on to your left foot.



Hop on your left foot.


Step on to your right foot.



Hop on your right foot.


Step on to your left foot.


JR and close

Slight hop on your left foot, and bring your right foot up towards your left foot landing with feet together.


SRc/DRc --Courante Single/Double Right

These steps are done in the same way as the Singles and Doubles Left, except with the feet reversed.


Rv -- Reverance

A simple French Reverance, as used for French Basse Danses and Bransles is used.


Courante a la Lochac


Dancers begin in a single line, with couples standing side by side.



1 - 4


End by dropping hands.



In this section, the men and the ladies dance at the same time.


1 - 8

Men DLc DRc

The men perform a double left to the left side, then right to the right side.

1 - 8

Ladies DLcf DRcf

The ladies dance forwards with a double left then a double right, away from the men, to end up facing away from them.

9 - 12

Both SLc SRc

Both dance a single left then right side to side.

13 - 20

Men DLcf DRcf

The men dance forwards, to finish behind the ladies.

13 - 20

Ladies DLc DRc

While the men are dancing up behind them, the ladies dance side to side.

21 - 24

Men DLc

The men move to the ladies' left and finish facing the ladies' left.

21 - 24


Do not move, look away from the men, to the right.

25 - 28

Men DRc

The men dance back around to the right, finishing to the ladies' right.

25 - 28


Do not move, look away from the men, to the left.

25 - 28


Do a half turn over your left shoulder to face the other way.


Repeat the above section, with the ladies acting in the way of the men, and the men acting in the way of the ladies, as follows:


29 - 36

Ladies DLc DRc

End this sequence with a half turn over your left shoulder to face the backs of the men.

29 - 36

Men DLcf DRcf

End this sequence with your backs to the ladies.

37 - 40

Both SLc SRc

Both dance a single left then right side to side.

41 - 48

Ladies DLcf DRcf

The ladies dance forwards, to finish behind the men.

41 - 48

Men DLc DRc

While the ladies are dancing up behind them, the men dance side to side.

49 - 52

Ladies DLc

The ladies move to the men's left.

49 - 52


Do not move, look away from the ladies, to the right.

53 - 56

Ladies DRc

The ladies dance back around to the men's right.

53 - 56


Turn to face the ladies, and reverance