Fine Companion (square of 4 couples)Playford 1651) Verse 1 All take hands and double into center of the square and back out set and turn single repeat the previous 2 lines Chorus 1 Men double forward into the square Women double forward while the men back out Men double forward while the women fall back Men take hands and circle once repeat chorus 1 with the women starting first Verse 2 Side right, set and turn single Side left, set and turn single Chorus 2 1st and 3rd couples double forward 2nd and 4th couples double forward while 1st and 3rd double back to place 1st and 3rd couples double forward while 2nd and 4th fall back 1st and 3rd couples take hands and circle around to place repeat chorus 1 with the 2nd and 4th couples going in first Verse 3 Arm right, set and turn single Arm left, set and turn single Chorus 3 Men double into the center, face out and wait while the women circle once then men double back into place repeat chorus 1 with the women going in while the men circle