Vicar's Alman (modern) Invented in the Barony of the Bridge by Thelin, Lucasta , Sarant, Alatiel and Asenath. Or iginal music composed byLucasta della Canzona Transalpina for Feirfiz Ashmund. Sometimes called the Vicar Kicker. Verse 1: (Up the hall) Double left, double right. (Partners join both hands with right arm extended) Double right (changing places) (Drop hands) Turn single 1 1/4 times (men over left shoulder, ladies over rigth) to face down the hall. As much again down the hall. Chorus 1 (Face partner. Join both hands) Three slips up the hall, cross kick (men's right foot, ladies left). (Down the hall) Double right, double left. Quick set and reverance. Verse 2 (Face own left. Men up the hall. Ladies down the hall) Double left (end with turn over left shoulder to face opposite direction). Double right. Palm left hands around with partner (changing places). Turn single (over right shoulder). (Set should be inverted). As much again back to places. Chorus 2 Same as chorus 1.