Cant. IX.
Of the winning of the Ile of _Man_, by the Earle of _Salisburie_.
_The Argument_.
The winning of the Yle of _Man_ by the noble Earle of _Salisburie_.
Or the Queenes goeing to the Parliament
The noble Earle of _Salisburie_,
with many a hardie Knight
Most valiantly preparde himselfe,
against the Scots to fight.
With his speare and his shield,
making his proud foes to yeeld:
Fiercely on them all he ran,
to driue them from the Ile of _Man_:
Drummes stricking on a row
Trumpets sounding as they goe.
Tan ta ra ra ra tan.
There silken Ensignes in the field,
most gloriously were spred:
The Horsemen on their prauncing steeds,
strucke many a Scotchman dead:
The browne bils on their Corslets ring,
the bowmen with the gray Goose wing:
The lustie Launce the pearcing speare,
the soft flesh of their foes doe teare.
Drummes stricking on a rowe,
trumpets sounding as they goe.
Tan ta ra ra ra tan.
The batell was so fearce and hot,
the Scots for feare did flie:
And many a famous Knight and Squire,
in gorie bloud did lie:
Some thinking to escape away,
did drowne themselues within the sea:
Some with many a bloudy wound,
lay gasping on the clayey ground.
Drummes stricking on a row,
trumpets sounding as they goe.
Tan ta ra ra ra tan.
Thus after many a braue exployt,
that day performd and donne:
The noble Earle of _Salisburie_,
the Ile of _Man_ had wonne.
Returning then most gallantlie,
with honour fame and victorie:
Like a conquerer of fame,
to Court this warlike champion came,
Drummes stricking on a row,
trumpets sounding as they goe.
Tan ta ra ra ra tan.
Our King reioycing at this act,
incontenent decred
To giue the Earle this pleasant Ile,
for his most valiant deed:
And forthwith did cause him than,
for to be Crowned king of _Man_
Earle of famous _Salsburie_,
and King of _Man_ by dignitie:
Drummes stricking on a row,
trumpets sounding as they goe.
Tan ta ra ra ra tan.
Thus was the first King of _Man_,
that euer bore that name:
Knight of the princely Garter blew,
an order of great fame:
Which braue king _Edward_ did deuise,
and with his person royallise:
Knights of the Garter are they cald,
and eke at _Winsor_ so instald.
With princely roaltie,
great fame and dignitie.
This knight-hood still is held.