People and Groups in the SCA
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To add or correct a web page in this list, use my update web tool-- and don't forget to tell me where in the known world you are, lest I be forced to guess.
Please, URLs only; use the Rolls Ethereal for email addresses (see below) unless you explicitly want to be the email contact for your local group. Updates might be near-instantaneous or might take a couple days! I don't acknowledge submissions but if you give me your email address in the submission form I'll be able to reach you if something seems wrong.
A list of many hundreds of SCA people with email addresses can be found in the Rolls Ethereal or at - The SCA People Finder
Note: This page isn't official in any way, just useful. I'll list any SCA group that wants to be listed -- recognized groups, households, guilds, whatever.
The following listing is alphabetical by kingdom, followed by inter-kingdom households and related organizations that don't easily fit the kingdom classification, followed by merchants and people whose SCA affiliations I don't know.
If a link was found to be bad, then it is identified with: Bad link preceeding the link.
If a link is bad 3 weeks in a row then the link is removed and replaced with:BAD LINK (Buffy's Canton upon Avon)
Quick Index:Æthelmearc *Ansteorra *An Tir *Artemisia *Atenveldt *Atlantia *Caid *Calontir *Drachenwald *Ealdormere *East *Gleann Abhann *Lochac *Meridies *Midrealm *Northshield *Outlands *Trimaris *West *Inter-Kingdom Groups *Merchants *Lost Sheep
(WV, western/central PA, western NY)
- (Bad link?) Brewer's Guild
- College of Heralds
- Company of St. Anne
An Interkingdom Mounted Military Tournament Company
- (Bad link?) Shire of Abhainn Ciach Ghlais
(central PA - Clinton, Lycoming, Northumberland Snyder Tioga, Union Counties, PA)
- Barony of Blackstone Mountain
(south-central, WV)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Coppertree
(Utica, NY)
- Barony of Endless Hills
(Northeast, PA)
- (Bad link?) Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands
(Southwestern, PA)
- BAD LINK (Barony of Delftwood) (Syracuse, NY)
- Caitlen Ruadh (Bad link?) Becki Tants
- Dutchy of Ermine Cross
- House of the Golden Rose
- (Bad link?) Incipient Shire of Hartstone
(Livingston, Steuben, Alegany Counties, NY)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Heronter
(Jamestown, NY)
- Shire of Hunter's Home
(Sharon, PA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Hornwood
(Clarion, Dubois, Punxsutawney PA)
- Shire of Misty Highlands
(north-central, WV)
- (Bad link?) Dominion of Myrkfaelinn
(Greater Ithaca, NY)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Nithgaard
(State College, PA)
- (Bad link?) Stronghold of Orion's Gate
(Fort Drum, NY)
- Orluk Oasis
- BAD LINK (Shire of Port Oasis) (Huntington, WV)
- Barony of the Rhydderich Hael
(Buffalo, NY)
- (Bad link?) House Singing Stone
- House Stormrider (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Barony of St. Swithin's Bog
(Johnstown, PA)
- Shire of Sterlynge Vayle
(Binghamton, NY)
- Shire of Sunderoak
(Butler, PA)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Sylvan Glen) (eastern panhandle, WV)
- (Bad link?) House Sylvanhurst
- Barony of Thescorre
(Rochester, NY)
- (Bad link?) Clan Yama Kaminari
- Groups in Ansteorra
- Amazon Household TBA
- BAD LINK (Message Boards for SCA members) Message boards for discussion
- Shire of Adlershrue
- Barony of Bjornsborg
(San Antonio, TX)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Bonwicke
(Lubbock, TX)
- Barony of Bordermarch
(Beaumont, TX)
- Barony of Bryn Gwlad
(Austin, TX)
- Barony of Eldern Hills
(email contact) (Lawton, OK)
- Barony of Elfsea
(Ft. Worth/Arlington, TX)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Graywood
- (Bad link?) Stronghold of Hellsgate
(Fort Hood, Killeen, Copperas Cove Harker Heights and surrounding areas.)
- BAD LINK (Shire of La Marche Sauvage) (McAllen, TX)
- Canton of Lindenwood
- BAD LINK (Finnian Tulloch MacLeod) Paul Greene
- Barony of Loch Solleir
(Clear Lake, TX)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Middleford
(Killeen-Ft. Hood-Copperas Cove, TX)
- Barony of Raven's Fort
(Huntsville, TX)
- Shire of Seawinds
(email contact) (Corpus Christi, TX)
- Shire of the Shadowlands
- Barony of Stargate
(Houston, TX)
- BAD LINK (Modius Monsdraconis) Erik Langhans
- (Bad link?) College of Twr Cath
(University of Houston, TX)
- Barony of the Steppes
(Dallas, TX)
- (Bad link?) Thuien
(Kerrville, Texas)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Trelac
(San Angelo, TX)
- (Bad link?) Shire of the Wastelands
(Enid, Fairview, OK)
- BAD LINK (Barony of Wiesenfeuer) (Oklahoma City, OK)
- (Bad link?) The Web
A service Household based in Ansteorra with members in 5 kingdoms
- (Bad link?) House Wolfstar
Mercenary House of Wolfstar
Unknown groups
An Tir
(OR, WA, northern ID, BC, SK, and AB)
- Avacal Bards (Bad link?) Yahoo Group avacalbards
- Avacal Heraldry
- (Bad link?) Avacal Chronicler
- (Bad link?) Shire of Bitter End
(Red Deer, AB)
- BAD LINK (Barony of Borealis) (Edmonton to Cold Lake, AB)
- Shire of Cold Keep
(Prince George, BC)
- Shire of Harrows Cross (Gleichen, Strathmore and environs, AB)(email)
- BAD LINK (The Dandy Rascals)
- Shire of Loch Dorr (E Kootenays, BC)
- Barony of Montengarde
(Calgary, AB)
- Barony of Myrgan Wood
(Saskatoon, SK)
- Barony Myrganwood (Saskatoon, SK)
- Shire of Sigelhundas
(Regina, SK)
- BAD LINK (Canton of Stonewolf) (Cold Lake, AB)
- (Bad link?) Household of Traitor's Gate
- Shire of Valley Wold (Moose Jaw, SK)
- BAD LINK (Canton of Veraquilon) (Edmonton, AB)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Vingaard
(Grand Prarie, AB)
- Shire of Windwyrm (Lethbridge, AB)
- Barony of Adiantum
(Eugene and Lane Co., OR)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Briar Oak
(Roseburg and Douglas Co., OR)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Corvaria
(Bend, Jefferson, Deschutes, & Crook Counties, OR)
- Shire of Glyn Dwfn
(Medford, Ashland, Jackson Counties, OR)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Myrtleholt
(Grants Pass, OR)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Nordholt
(Albany and Linn County, OR)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Southmarch) (Klamath Falls - Klamath & Lake counties, OR)
- Barony of Terra Pomaria
(Marion and Polk Counties, OR)
- Shire of Tymberhavene
(Coos and Curry Co., OR)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Appledore
(Oliver, BC)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Cae Mor
(Terrace and Kitimat, BC)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Coill Mhor (incipient 100 Mile House)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Cragmere
(Courtenay, Vancouver Isl, BC)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Danescombe
(Kelowna & Penticton, BC)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Dregate) (Omak, WA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Frozen Mountain
(West Kootenays, BC)
- Shire of False Isle
(Powell River, BC)
- Shire of Hartwood
(Bad link?) 2nd?? Hartwood website
(Nanaimo (Van. Isl.), BC)
- Shire of Krakenfjord
(Vernon, BC)
- Shire of Lionsdale
(Chilliwack and Abbotsford, BC)
- BAD LINK (Barony of Lions Gate) (Vancouver, BC)
- Household of the Manor of Pheasant Hollow
(South Central, BC)
- Shire of Ramsgaard
(Kamloops, BC)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Ravensley
(Port Alberni, BC)
- Shire of Ravensweir
(Quesnel & Williams Lake, BC)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Seagirt
(email Chatelaine) (Victoria, BC)
- Shire of Shittimwoode
(Bellingham - Whatcom County, WA)
- Shire Tir Bannog
(Smithers, BC)
- (Bad link?) College of Cranehaven
(Wenatchee, WA)
- Canton of Akornebir
(Walla Walla, WA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Ambergard
(Grant County, WA)
- College of Lyonsmarche
(Pullman, WA & Moscow, ID)
- Canton of Silver Hart
(Couer d'Alene and Post Falls, ID)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Vulcanfeldt
(Yakima - Yakima County, WA)
- Shire of Pendale
(Sandpoint, Bonner & Boundary County, ID)
- Barony of Wastekeep
(Tri-Cities, WA)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Wealdsmere
(Spokane - Spokane County, WA)
Central Region (most of WA, Northern OR, Western ID)
- (Bad link?) Western An Tir Chronicles - Newsletter
Households and Clans
- Shire of Coeur Du Val
(Corvallis and Benton County, OR)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Ambergard
(Grant County, WA)
- BAD LINK (Barony of Aquaterra) (Snohomish County, WA)
- (Bad link?) Clan MacIntyre
- BAD LINK (Canton of Bearwood) (SE Snohomish County, WA)
- Barony of Blatha An Oir
(Tacoma-Pierce County, WA)
- Castillian Fleet
(Washington State,Oregon)
- (Bad link?) College of Cranehaven
(Chelan County, WA)
- Barony of Dragon's Laire
(Kitsap & N Mason Counties, WA)
- Shire of Dragon's Mist
(Washington County, OR)
- Shire of Druim Doineann
(Port Angeles - Clallum & Jefferson Counties, WA)
- House ID
(A historical reenactment group of performers, artisans and marshal artists)
- (Bad link?) Incipient Shire of Earnrokke
(Whidby Island, WA)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Fire Mountain Keep) (Lewis County, WA)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Glymm Mere
(Olympia, Tumwater & Lacey, WA)
- Incipient Shire of Grimwith
(Pend O'Reille and Stevens Counties, Wa.)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Heron's Reach
(Clatsop County, OR)
- College of Lyonsmarche
(Pullman, WA & Moscow, ID)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Madrone
(King County, WA)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Midhaven) (Skagit, San Juan & N Island Counties)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Mountain Edge
(Yamhill County, OR)
- Shire of Pendale
(Sandpoint, Bonner & Boundary County, ID)
- (Bad link?) Shire of River's Bend
(Kelso & Longview-Cowlitz Counties, WA)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Stromgard
(Vancouver, WA)
- Barony of Three Mountains
(Clackamas & Multnomah Counties, OR)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Vulkanfeldt
(Yakima - Yakima County, WA)
- Barony of Wastekeep
(Tri-Cities, WA)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Wealdsmere
(Spokane - Spokane County, WA)
- Shire of Windwic (Klickitat, WA)
- College of Wittanhaven (The Evergreen State College - Olympia, WA)
- Shire of Wyewood
S King County
Unknown groups
(MT, UT, western WY/CO, southern ID)
New Links Being Integrated
The Baronies of Artemisia
- The Barony of Loch Salann
(metro Salt Lake City, UT)
- The Barony of One Thousand Eyes
(Idaho Falls, Pocatello, ID)
- (Bad link?) The Barony of Sentinels' Keep
- (Bad link?) Barony of Arn Hold
(Boise, ID)
- Barony of Gryphon's Lair
(Ogden, Layton, Willard, UT)
- Province of Arrow's Flight
(Provo, UT)
(The Shires, Colleges, etc. of Artemisia)
- The Shire of Bronzehelm
(Billings, MT)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Castelleone Nuovo
(Helena, MT)
- Shire of Cote du Ciel
(Logan, Willard, Brigham City, UT)
- Shire of Crystal Crags
(Kalispell, MT)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Dael Beorht
(Montrose, CO)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Draca Mor
(Grand Junction, CO)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Dragonmarch
(Vernal, UT)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Otherhill) (Evanston, Green River and Rock Springs, WY)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Silver Keep
(Bozeman, MT)
- The Shire of Stan Wyrm
- Shire of Twae Linnes (Twin Falls, ID)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Windegate (formerly Northgate)
(Shelby, MT)
- (Bad link?) Incipient Shire of Drachenfeld
(Glendive, MT)
- Incipient Riding of Red Bridge (Moab, UT)
- Atenveldt Brewer's Guild
- Estrella War
A Four Kingdom War
- (Bad link?) House Lost
(Phoenix, AZ)
- Barony of Atenveldt
(Central Metro Phoenix, AZ)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Ered Sul
(Flagstaff/Williams, AZ)
- (Bad link?) House of the Four Winds
- (Bad link?) House Inverted
Spans Phoenix metro area
- Shire of Granite Mountain
(Prescott, Central Arizona, AZ)
- Barony March of Mons Tonitus
(Sierra Vista, AZ)
- College of St. Felix
(University of AZ, Tucson)
- Barony of Sundragon
(West Metro Phoenix, AZ)
- Barony of Tir Ysgithr
(Tucson, AZ)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Twin Moons
(East Valley, Mesa AZ)
- Clan Nightwolf
(Tucson, AZ)
- (Bad link?) Shire Of Windale
(MD, DC, NC, SC, most of VA, Augusta GA)
- Barony of Storvik
(Washington DC, Metro Area)
- (Bad link?) Border Vale Keep, Shire of
(Augusta, GA)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Bright Hills
(Baltimore City and County, Carrol, Cecil and Harford Counties)
- Barony of Dun Carraig
(Calvert, St. Mary's, and Charles Counties, MD)
- Barony of Highland Foorde
(Frederick and Washington Counties, MD)
- Barony of Lochmere
Anne Arundel and Howard Counties
- Roxbury Mill, Shire of
(Montgomery County, MD)
- Shire of Spiaggia Levantina
(eastern shore, MD)
- Barony of Storvik
DC Metro Area
- (Bad link?) Shire of Cathanar
(Eastern, NC)
- (Bad link?) Crannog Mor, Shire of
(Boone, NC)
- Stronghold of Raven's Cove
(Jacksonville, Onslow County, NC)
- Barony of Sacred Stone
(western, NC)
- BAD LINK (Canton of Crois Brigte) (Forsyth County, NC)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Seareach
(Southeastern NC including New Hanover, Pender, Columbus, Brunswick, and parts of Duplin and Sampson Counties)
- Barony of Windmasters' Hill
(central, NC)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Hidden Mountain
Eastern SC
- Barony of Nottinghill Coill
Central and West SC
- Shire of Berley Cort (Franklin, Emporia, Southhampton, Sussex, Surry, Greenville, Isle of Wight, Western Suffolk)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Black Diamond
(South-western, VA)
- Canton of Azurmont
(Roanoke, Vinton, Salem, Floyd, New Castle, Hardy, VA)
- Duncan MacKinnon BAD LINK (Tom Brady)
- Barony of Caer Mear
(Richmond, VA)
- College of Caer Gelin Scottsville
- (Bad link?) House de la Flamme
(Virginia, USA)(essays, blogs, fighting manuals)
- Shire of Drachentor Danville
- Isenfir, Shire of
(Charlottesville, VA)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Marinus
(Norfolk, VA Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Suffolk)
- Barony of Ponte Alto
(Arlington County, Fairfax County minus Centreville and Chantilly, and the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church and Fairfax, VA)
- Barony of Stierbach
(Loudoun, Prince William, Fauquier, Rappahannock, Culpeper, Warren, Clarke, and Stafford Counties, Manassas, Chantilly, Centreville and Fredericksburg, VA)
- BAD LINK (Barony of Tir-y-Don) (Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg, James City and York Counties, Gloucester, and Hayes)
- College of Yarnvid Richmond
Unknown groups
Groups that don't fit into a single place
- The Council of Silverquill - The Crimson Thorns
- (Bad link?) Kaitlyn's Page (unoffical House Silverquill)
- Academie d'Espee
rapier combat
- (Bad link?) House Gaping Maw
- (Bad link?) Kutrigurii Unit
(southern CA, HI, southern NV)
- Circle of Bards
- Royal Army of Caid
- (Bad link?) CRAC - Caid Royal Artillery Core
- (Bad link?) Akraitae Alliance (Includes First Brigade and CRAC Brigade)
- Shire of Al-Sahid
- Barony of Altavia
(San Fernando Valley area, California)
- Barony of the Angels
(Los Angeles, CA)
- Canton of Bard's Keep
(Western O'ahu, Hawai'i)
- Shire of Al-Sahid
(Barstow / Victorville, California)
- (Bad link?) College of Boethius
(Claremont Colleges, California)
- (Bad link?) Household of BraeEnMyst
- (Bad link?) Incipient Shire of Burnished Sun
(Nelson, New Zealand)
- Barony of Calafia
(San Diego and Imperial Counties, California)
- Shire of Carreg Wen
(Lompoc and Vandenburg Air Force Base, California)
- Canton of Castle North
(Northeastern O'ahu, Hawai'i)
- BAD LINK (Incipient Canton of Cragdon on the Water) northern Inyo County
- Shire of Darach
(Ventura County, California)
- (Bad link?) House Drachenholz
- (Bad link?) Draguin Realt
Debated Lands in the Northern Isles
- Barony of Dreiburgen
(Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, CA)
- Barony of Dun Or
(Lancaster / Palmdale area, California)
- BAD LINK (College of Fenwood Knoll) (University of California, Irvine)
- BAD LINK (Canton of Gallavally) (Hemet/San Jacinto Valley, California)
- Barony of Gyldenholt
(Orange County, California)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Heatherwyne) (Pomona valley, California)
- Shire of the Isles
(Santa Barbara County, California)
- Barony of Lyondemere
(coastal Los Angeles County, California)
- (Bad link?) Kelthaven
Lady Meghan Paget and Lord Kevin O'Gallagher (Laura and Karl Gallagher)
- Myrdin the Just (Bad link?) Michael Potter
- Barony of Naevehjem
(Inyo and northeast Kern Counties, California)
- Barony of Nordwache
(Fresno, Madera, Kings and Tulare Counties, California)(Bad link?) Alternate website
- Canton of Poll na Gainmhe
(Imperial Valley, California)
- (Bad link?) Pagus Sancti Geronomi
(central Riverside, California)
- BAD LINK (College of San Ambrogio) (University of California, Los Angeles, California)
- (Bad link?) Guild of St. Genesius
- Samrah's SpiceBox
- Barony of Starkhafn
(Clark County including Las Vegas, Nevada)
- Canton of Torvald
(Southeastern O'ahu (including Honolulu), Hawai'i)
- BAD LINK (L'Universitie de la Tour d'Yvoire) (California State University, Bakersfield, California)
- (Bad link?) House Unity
- Canton of the Valley Azure
(Maui, Hawai'i)
- College of the Voyagers
California Institute of Technology (CalTech)
- Barony of Western Seas
- Shire of Wintermist
(western Kern County, California)
(KS, MO, IA, NE and northern AR)
- (Bad link?) The College of Bellewode
(Kirksville, MO)
- Incipient Shire of Amleth Moor
(Hallsville, MO)
- (Bad link?) The Shire Of Bois D' Arc
(Parsons, Pittsburg, Independence KS and surrounding areas)
- Shire of Calanais Nuadh
(Rolla, MO)
- Barony of Coeur d'Ennui
- Shire of Crescent Moon
(Topeka, KS)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Deodar
(Cedar Rapids, IA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Dun Ard
(Leavenworth, KS)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Forgotten Sea
(Kansas City, MO/KS)
- Shire of Fyren-Ar
(Emporia, KS)
- BAD LINK (Shire-March of the Grimfells)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Heraldshill
(Mason City, IA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Lost Moor
(Saint Joseph, MO)
- (Bad link?) The Shire of Stronghold of Lost Forest
- Barony of Mag Mor
(Lincoln, NE)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Oakheart
- BAD LINK (Shire of NoMountain) (Grinnell, IA)
- (Bad link?) The House of the Red Dragon
Non-offical renaissance - history household.
- Canton of Riverhold
(Jefferson County, MO)
- BAD LINK (Saxon house hold) (Monett, MO)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Shadowdale
(Iowa City, IA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Spinning Winds
(Riley County and area, KS)
- BAD LINK (Hrothgar the Smith) Mike Martin
- (Bad link?) Shire of Standing Stones
(Columbia, MO)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Three Rivers
(St. Louis, MO)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Wyvern Cliffe)
- Barony of Vatavia
(Wichita, KS)
Unknown groups
- (Bad link?) Ad Flumen Caerulum (Incipient Shire)
(Vienna and Niederösterreich, Austria)
- Shire of Aventiure
(Lubeck, Wismar, Kiel and Schleswig, Germany)
- Baerenau (Incipient Shire) Greater Berlin area (Drachensheim, Shire)(Spangdahlem & Bitburg, Germany)
- Barony of Drei Eichen
(Düren, Köln, Aachen, Ruhrgebiet, Germany)
- (Bad link?) The Restful Place
- (Bad link?) Canton of Wolfsau
(Cologne, Germany)
- (Bad link?) Emerald Glen, Shire
(Augsburg, Germany)(Falkenhain, Shire)(Munster, Germany)
- (Bad link?) Greifenthal, Shire
(Giessen, Germany)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Isengau)
- Barony of Knight's Crossing
(Darmstadt, Mainz, Wiesbaden, Heidelberg, Germany)
- Canton of Monarchs Rest (Heidelberg, Germany)
- BAD LINK (Meadowmarsh, Shire) (Frankfurt and Hanau, Germany)
- Shire of Rauchenderberg (Schweinfurt, Wurzburg, Bad Kissingen and Kitzingen, Germany)
- Shire of Schwarz-Loch Ansbach and Illesheim
- (Bad link?) Shire of Two Seas
Hamburg & area
- Turmstadt, Shire
(Erlangen, Bamberg, Nurnberg, Grafenwöhr, Vilseck, Hohenfels)
- (Bad link?) Vielburgen, Shire
(Kaiserslauten, Saarbrucken, Ramstein, Landstuhl, KMC)
- Shire of Bet Aryeh Israel
(Campo di Fiamme, Incipient Stronghold)(Naples area, Italy)(Infimus Mons Aureus, Stronghold)(Pordenone / Aviano, Italy)- (Bad link?) Incipient Shire of Ranaan
(Milan, Italy)(Vulcan's Forge, Incipient Stronghold)(Sicily, Italy)
- Barony of Aarnimetsä
- (Bad link?) Canton of Hukka
Helsinki area
- Canton of Humalasalo (Hameenlina, Valkeakoski, Tampere)(Miehonlinna, Incipient Canton)(Kouvola, Valkeala, Kuusankoski)
- Canton of Poukka Kotka
South Africa
United Kingdom
Unknown groups
(most of Ontario, Canada)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Ben Dunfirth
(Hamilton, Ontario)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Rising Waters
The Niagara Peninsula
- Canton of Dinas Gardd (St. Catharines, Ontario)
- Canton of Drachenfaust (Stoney Creek, Ontario)
- Canton of Dragon's Gate (Welland and Fort Erie, Ontario)
- Barony of Ramshaven
(South-west, Ontario)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Septentria
Centeral Ontario
- (Bad link?) Canton of Ardchreag
(Scarborough and Pickering, Ontario)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Caer Draeth
(Barrie, Ontario)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Carreg y Blaidd
(Northumberland County, Ontario)
- (Bad link?) The Royal City of Eoforwic
(Toronto, Ontario)
- Canton of Greenhithe
(Whitby and Oshawa, Ontario)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Monadh
(Orangeville, Ontario)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Petrea Thule
(Peterborough, Ontario)
- Skeldergate
(York University, and North York, Ontario)
- Canton of Vest Yorvik
(Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton regions, Ontario)
- Barony of Skraeling Althing
Ottawa and Eastern Ontario
- Shire of Brennisteinn Vatn
(Sudbury, Ontario)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Flaming Sky) (North Bay area, Ontario)
- March of St. Martin
(Sarnia, Ontario)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Noergate
(Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario)
- Shire of Owlhaven (Temiskaming district, Ontario)
(eastern NY, NJ, DE, MA, CT, RI, VT, NH, ME, NF, NS, NB, PQ)
- East Kingdom Soothsayers' Guild
Studying soothsaying in-period and in the Current Middle Ages
Northern Shores District
- (Bad link?) Shire of Ar n-Eilean-ne
- Barony of Havre des Glaces
(Quebec, QE)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Boise Ardent (incipient)
(Three Rivers, Quebec)
- BAD LINK (Canton of Rives d'Estnordia (incipient)) PQ
- (Bad link?) Canton of Vieux Bourg
- BAD LINK (Barony of L'Ile du Dragon Dormant) (Montreal, QUE)
- Shire of Lyndhaven
(southern half of NB, NB)
- Barony of Ruantallan
(NS & PEI, Canada)
- (Bad link?) Port of Lympha Profunda (incipient)
(NS & PEI, Canada)
- Canton of Mycghalh (incipient)
(NS & PEI, Canada)
- Canton of Ynys Y Gwaed
(NS & PEI, Canada)
Northern Peaks District
- (Bad link?) Shire of Coldwood
(Plattsburg, NY)
- Shire of Endewearde
Central and No. ME
- Shire of Glenn Linn
(Warren-Washington Co., NY)
- Province of Malagentia
(Southern, ME)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Mountain Freehold
- BAD LINK (Shire of Northern Outpost) (Potsdam, NY)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Panther Vale
No. Vermont
- Shire of River Stone (incipient) Southern Vermont
- (Bad link?) Barony of Stonemarche
New Hampshire
- Yitzhak ben Yoshua BAD LINK (James Turner)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Stonesfjord (incipient)) (Washington and Hancock counties, ME)
Central Region
- Shire of Anglespur
(Troy, NY)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Bergental
(Western, MA)
- Barony of Beyond the Mountain
(North, East CT)
- Canton of Fennbrycg Eastern CT
- BAD LINK (Canton of Ravenhill) Northwest CT
- Barony of Carolingia
(Greater Boston, MA)
- Canton of Aschehyrst
Central MA
- Canton of the Towers (Northeast, MA)
- Shire of Castle Keep (Greene,Columbia Co, NY)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Coill Tuar
(Southern Ulster and Eastern Orange counties, NY)
- Barony of Concordia of the Snows
(Albany, NY)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Dragonship Haven
Southwestern CT
- (Bad link?) Canton of Dragon Forge
S.Fairfield Co. CT
- Canton of Giant's Gate (New Haven,Waterbury,CT)
- Canton of Sea Tyger's Rhyn Central S.CT
- (Bad link?) Shire of Frosted Hills
(Dutchess County, NY)
- Shire of Nordenhalle
(Kingston, NY)
- Shire of Quintavia
(Worcester Co., MA)
- BAD LINK (Baroness Rosalind Bennett (De Witte))
- Fiona Randal of Avanmore (Bad link?) June Ferguson
- Shire of the Smoking Rocks
(southeast, MA)
- Crown Barony of the Bridge
RI State
- Canton of Trollhaven (Southern, RI)
Southern Region
- Barony of An Dubhaigeainn
(Suffolk Co, NY)
- Shire of Barren Sands
(Atlantic, Cape May,Cumberland and Salem Co,NJ)
- BAD LINK (Safia al-Khansaa') (Safia's artwork website, period pics, how-to's, Middle Eastern "stuff")
- Barony of Bhakail
(Philadelphia, PA)
- Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust (University of PA, PA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Black Rose
(Cumberland Co, Dauphin Co, Perry Co, PA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Caer Adamant
State of Delaware
- House of the Black Rabbit
- Galen of Ockham BAD LINK (Keith Brandt)
- BAD LINK (Robin Gallowglass)
- BAD LINK (Barony of Carillion) (Monmouth, Ocean, S.Middlesex Co., NJ)
- BAD LINK (Anoria of the House Of Anoria-Desinger/Custom Costumer) I design and custom fit costumes in Leather/Suede/fabric - including Women's Gowns and Bodices.
- (Bad link?) Dierk zem Grauen Wolf
- Wilthain Westbram
Brian Matthews
- Canton of Forestgate (Mercer Co., NJ)
- Canton of Keep by the Endless Sea (Bradley Beach, NJ)
- Canton of Whispering Pines (incipient)
(N. Burlington City, NJ)
- Shire of Eisental
(Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton & Reading, PA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Hartshorn-dale
- Shire of Iron Bog
(Camden,Gloucester, S. Burlington, NJ)
- Shire of Montevale
(email link) (Fulton,Franklin,Cumberland, PA)
- Crown Province of Ostgardr
(Greater NYC, NY)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Lions End
(Nassau Co, NY)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Owl's Reste) (York County, PA)
- Royal Forest of Rusted Woodlands
(Bergen/Passaic counties NJ, Orange/Rockland counties NY)
- Barony of Settmour Swamp
(Somerset, Morris Co. NJ)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Gryphonwald
(Middlesex County, NJ)
- Canton of Marwick
(Union County, NJ)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Silver Rylle
(Lancaster, Lebanon Co., PA)
- Tuatha de Bhriain Clann
- (Bad link?) Blak Garde
- The Black Dragon Company
- (Bad link?) Haus Bloodguard
(email Duke Andreas Eisfalke)
- (Bad link?) Clan Mackinnon
- (Bad link?) The Gilded Pearl
late-period study group
Unknown groups
- The Ambassador
- (Bad link?) Topaz Herald
Principality scross herald - Handbook and scribal resource page
- Barony of Axemoor
(New Orleans, LA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Beinntheine
(Russellville, AR)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Blackmoor Keep
(Lake Charles, LA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Blackwood
(Monroe, LA)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Dragoun's Weal) (Hattiesburg, MS)
- Barony of Grey Niche
(Memphis, TN)
- Shire of Grifphon Shadow
(Columbus, MS)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Hammerhold
(Oxford, MS)
- Shire of Iron Ox
(Jackson, MS)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Loch Bais
(Natchitoches, LA)
- Shire of Phoenix River
(Colbert, Lauderdale, Franklin Counties, AL)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Rivenstar
(Lafayette, IN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Riviere De Sang
(Starkville, MS)
- Barony of Seleone
(email contact) (Gulfport-Biloxi, MS)
- Shadow Legion
- (Bad link?) Barony of Small Gray Bear
(Little Rock, AR)
- Shire of Smythkepe
(Fort Smith, AR)
- Shire of Troll Fen
(Lafayette, LA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Vogelburg
(Alexandria, LA)
- Shire of Wyrmgeist
(Baton Rouge, LA)
(Australia, New Zealand, Antarctic and more)
- SCA Inc. of Australia
- (Bad link?) New Zealand SCA Index
- Shire of Agaricus
Wollongong and NSW South Coast
- BAD LINK (Barony of Aneala) (Perth, WA)
- Shire of Arrowsreach
(Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, VIC)
- Shire of Bacchus Wood
(Loganlea, QLD)
- (Bad link?) "Cairnfell North" The Bendigo component of the Canton of Cairnfell
- Shire of Bordescros (Albury-Wodonga, NSW-VIC)
- Shire of Bosenberg
Southwest of Western Australia
- College of Reannag Fhara
(University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Darton
- (Bad link?) Shire of Dismal Fogs
(Blue Mountains, NSW)
- Shire of Dragons Bay
(kwinana to Mandurah, Western Australia)
- (Bad link?) Barony of ILDHAFN
(Auckland, NZ)
- Barony of INNILGARD
(Adelaide, South Australia)
- College of Blessed Herman the Cripple
Adelaide University
- Shire of Krae Glas
(South East Melbourne, Monash Highway,VIC)
- Barony of MORDENVALE
(Canberra, ACT)
- Barony of RIVER HAVEN
(Brisbane, QLD)
- Barony of ROWANY
(Sydney, NSW)
- (Bad link?) Barony of SOUTHRON GAARD
(Christchurch, NZ)
(Sth Brisbane, QLD)
- (Bad link?) Barony of STORMHOLD
(Melbourne, VIC)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Stormhold
(Melbourne University, VIC)
- Shire of Torlyon
(Yass, NSW)
- Barony of YNYS FAWR
(Hobart, Tasmainia (TAS))
- Barony of Ynys Fawr
(AL, GA, TN, LA, MS, AR, part of FL, part of KY, part of VA)
- Meridian Feastcrat Guild
(email contact)
- (Bad link?) Meridies Minstrels' Guild
- BAD LINK (Meridies Rapier Website)
- Shire of Crimson River
(Clarksville, TN)
- Shire of An Dun Theine
(Huntsville, AL)
- Canton of Beau Fort
(Gainesville, GA)
- (Bad link?) Shire Brantestone
(Cullman, AL)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Bryn Madoc
(Athens, GA)
- BAD LINK (The Incipient College of Burnng Stone) (Wise County, VA)
- (Bad link?) Incipient Shire of Camden Tor's
- (Bad link?) Shire of Crimson River
(Clarksville, Fort Campbell, TN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Delvingrim
(Columbia, TN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Dragonfly Marsh
(Valdosta, GA)
- Shire of the Eagle
(Auburn, AL)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Easaraigh
(Cookeville, TN)
- Shire of Firedrake Non-active (Dothan, AL)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Forth Castle) (Savannah, GA)
- (Bad link?) The Shire of Glaedenfeld
(Nashville, TN)
- Shire of Glynn Rhe
(Morgan and Limestone Counties, AL)
- (Bad link?) The Incipient Shire of Grendael
(Blue Ridge, GA)
- (Bad link?) Harper's Raid, Viking householde
(south-west, FL)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Iron Mountain
(Birmingham, AL)
- (Bad link?) Manchester, TN
- Shire of Lochan Fhraioch (email contact) (Bowling Green, KY)
- Non-Active Shire of Lyons Montaine (Lebannon, TN)
- (Bad link?) House MacLeod
Household of Baron Sir Simon MacLeod
- House MacLeod
(Conyers, GA)
- (Bad link?) The Incipient Shire of Sable Oak
(Tusucaloosa, AL)
- Shire of Nant-y-Derwyddon
- Barony of Osprey
(Mobile, AL)(email contact)
- Shire of Owl's Nest:Kennesaw, GA
- (Bad link?) Shire of the Peregrine
(Jacksonville, AL)
- Shire of Phoenix Glade
- (Bad link?) Household of Gryphon's Keep
(Niceville, FL)A small household dedicated to improving the fighting skill of the Phoenix Glade
- BAD LINK (Shire of Ravenwood) (Albany, GA)
- Shire of Rising Stone
(Murfreesboro, TN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Rivermarch
(Columbus, GA)
- Shire Salt Keep
(Panama City, FL)
- Shire of Sol Haven
(Conyers, GA)
- (Bad link?) Barony of South Downs
(Atlanta, GA)
- (Bad link?) Shire Phoenix Glade
(Fort Walton Beach, FL)
- Shire of Talmere
(LaGrange, GA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Tor an Riogh
(Starkville, Mississippi)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Thorngill
(Montgomery, AL)
- BAD LINK (Barony of Thor's Mountain) (Knoxville/Oak Ridge, TN)
- Shire of Tir Briste
(Warner Robins, GA)
- (Bad link?) Canton of Des Forges
(Tussville, AL)
- Shire of Vulpine Reach
- (Bad link?) Tribe Zareefat
a Middle Eastern Household
Unknown groups
Northshield - Eastern Region
- (Bad link?) Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr
(Milwaukee, WI)
- (Bad link?) House Gray Fox
Household of Sir Leif (Gray Fox) Haakonson and Astrid of the Yellow Rose
- (Bad link?) OLD?? Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr Web Page?
(Milwaukee, WI)
- Barony of Jararvellir
Madison WI
- (Bad link?) Barony of Windhaven
(Appleton, WI)
- (Bad link?) Outpost of Darkstone
(Ashland, WI)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Falcon's Keep
(Marshfield, WI)
- Shire of Lub Siochail (West Bend, WI)
- Shire of Mistig Waetru
(Houghton, MI)
- Aislinn of Winer Heall BAD LINK (Hester)
- Ulfin of Wyrmgeard (Bad link?) Dan Butler-Ehle
- BAD LINK (Shire of Rockwall) (Southeastern, WI)
- Shire of Rokeclif
(La Crosse, WI)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Shattered Oak
(Eau Claire, WI)
- (Bad link?) Freehold of Skerjastrond
(Marquette, MI)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Stromfels
(River Falls, WI)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Turm an dem See
(Sheboygan Cty, WI)
Northshield - Central Region
- Barony of Nordskogen
Mpls/St.Paul MN
- Shire of Inner Sea
(Duluth, MN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Mare Amethystinum
(Thunder Bay, ON)
- Shire of Rivenwood Tower Mankato MN
- Shire of Rockhaven
(St. Cloud, MN)
- Shire of Silfren Mere
(Rochester, MN)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Vilku Urvas) NW Minnesota
- Village of Wynandremer (Brainerd, MN)
Northshield - Western Region
- Barony of Castel Rouge
(Manitoba, Canada)
- (Bad link?) Incipient College of Darkstone
- Outpost of Bismarck
(Bismarck, ND)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Border Downs
(Sioux Falls, SD)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Coldedernhale
(Pierre, SD)
- Outpost of Falkewinde Alexander ND
- Shire of Korsvag
(Fargo, ND)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Midewinde
(Minot, ND)
- Outpost of Noiregarde
Northwestern Black Hills
- BAD LINK (Shire of Rudivale) (Grand Forks, ND)
- Shire of Schattentor
(Southeastern Black Hills/RC,SD)
- (Bad link?) College of Svaty Sebesta
(Vermillion, SD)
- (Bad link?) Outpost of Trewint
(Huron, SD)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Western Keep) (Brookings, SD)
Middle Kingdom Coursing College (email link) Constellation Region (Indiana)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Afonlyn
(Muncie and Winchester, IN)
- (Bad link?) House Armonye
- (Bad link?) Shire of Greyhope
(Lake, Porter, and Laporte Counties, IN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Dragon's Vale
(Warsaw, IN)
- House of the Mountain Bridge
- (Bad link?) Shire of Mynydd Seren
(Bloomington, IN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Narrental
(Peru, IN)
- (Bad link?) Shire Riviere Constelle
(Evansville, IN)
- BAD LINK (The Incipient Shire of St. Columba) (Columbus, IN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Shadowed Stars
(Fort Wayne, IN)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Sternfeld
(Indianapolis, IN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Strikkenwoode
(Terre Haute, IN)
- (Bad link?) House Tylwyth Cymmerau
- (Bad link?) Barony of White Waters
(St. Joseph, Elkhart, LaGrange, Marshall Counties, IN)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Baile na Scolairi
(Bloomington/Normal, IL)
- Shire of Blackhawk
- Baryony of Carraig Ban
(DeKalb, IL)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Dark River
(quad cities IA, IL)
- Shire of Far Reaches
- Shire of Fox Vale
(Unofficial Shire)
- Shire of Grey Gargoyles
- Baryony of Illiton
(Peoria, IL)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Lochmorrow
- Shire of Ravenslake
(Lake & McHenry City, IL)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Rokkehealden
(SW Chicago suburbs, IL)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Shattered Crystal
(Fairview Heights, IL)
- (Bad link?) College of St. Carol on the Moor
- (Bad link?) Shire of Swordcliff
(Springfield, IL)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Tree-Girt-Sea
- (Bad link?) Shire of Vanished Wood
(Chicago, NW suburbs)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Wurmwald) (Champaign-Urbana, IL)
Northern Oaken Region (northern, OH)
Pentamere Region lower Peninsula of Michigan and Essex Co. Ontario
BAD LINK (Groups in Pentamere)
- Shire of Altenberg
(part of Macomb County and all of St. Clair County, MI)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Andelcrag
(Western - various, MI)
- BAD LINK (Incipient Shire of Aquilon) (Alpena, MI)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Donnershaffen
(Traverse City & Northwestern Lower, MI)
- Clan MacEoghain
- Barony of Cynnabar
(Ann Arbor, MI)
- (Bad link?) Jubilatores -- Medieval Music Performance
- (Bad link?) Barony of Northwoods
(East Lansing/Detroit, MI)
- Barony Of Roaring Wastes
(metro Detroit, MI)
- Starleaf Gate
(West Essex County, Ontario)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Stormvale
(Genesee, Lapper, Huron and Sanilac Counties, MI)
- (Bad link?) Talonval
(Jackson, Hillsdale, and Lenawee Counties)
- BAD LINK (Pentamere Free Company)
- Incipient Canton of Westmere
NON-PENTAMERE...but close!
- (Bad link?) The Shire of Noergate
(Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Mistig Waetru) (Houghton-Hancock, MI)
Misc. People and Groups
Southern Oaken Region (KY, southern OH)
Households within the Midrealm not listed above
Unknown Regions
(NM, eastern CO, eastern WY, and El Paso, TX)
- Shire of Aarquelle
(Pueblo, CO)
- BAD LINK (Barony of al-Barran) (Albuquerque, NM)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Caer Galen
(Boulder County, CO)
- Shire of Caer Mithin Halle (email contact: Prydwen of Gryphonscrag) (Carlsbad, NM)
- Barony of Caerthe
(Denver, CO)
- Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass
(El Paso, TX)
- BAD LINK (College of Saint Golias) (Socorro, NM)
- Shire of Drygestan
(Santa Fe, NM)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Dragonsspine
(Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak region, CO)
- BAD LINK (Chateau De Grac'e) Household
- (Bad link?) College of Tygre's Keep
- College of the Venerable Bede University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
- Shire of Nahrun Kabirun
(Las Cruces, NM)
- (Bad link?) Incipient Shire of Rio de las Animas
(Durango, CO)
- Barony of Fontaine dans Sable
(Farmington, NM)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Scorpion's Hollow
(email contact) (Portales/Clovis, NM)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Unser Hafen
(Fort Collins, CO)
- (Bad link?) Shire of White Mountain
(Alamogordo, NM)
- Windhaven Keep
(Belen, NM)
Unknown group
- Gulf Wars
((Kingdoms of Trimaris, Ansteorra, Meridies))
- (Bad link?) Sextant Herald
keeper of the Order of Precedence
- BAD LINK (Talewinds - The Kingdom Newsletter)
- The Quarter
Trimaris' Perfectly Period Parody Publication
- (Bad link?) WestIsles
The West Florida chapters of the SCA
- BAD LINK (Shire of Amurgorod) (Levy & Marion Co., Fl)
- BAD LINK (House Asgard) Duke Baldar's fighting household
- (Bad link?) Incipient Shire of Bentonshire
(Hernando County, FL)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Brineside Moor
(Sarasota/Bradenton, FL)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Castlemere
(Jacksonville, FL)
- Barony of An Crosiare
(Gainsville/Alachua County, FL)
- BAD LINK (Canton of Mathom Trove) (Palatka, FL)
- Daimhin Cinncaidhe (Bad link?) Eric Carr
- Esteban Vicente Manrique de Santiago BAD LINK (James True)
- (Bad link?) Crimson Fist Household
Interkingdom Fighting Household
- Barony of Darkwater
(Orange and Osceola Counties, FL)
- (Bad link?) House DUN TYR
Best fighting house in Trimaris
- Shire of Gleann Dubh
(Daytona Beach, FL)
- (Bad link?) Khyim Lha Khang / Kalet Ordu
SCA Household whose members share common interest in Mongol/Tibetan history and culture
- (Bad link?) Shire of Narval Dorado
(email contact (James Helme - Seneschal)) (St. Petersburg, FL)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Oldenfeld
(Tallahassee, FL)
- (Bad link?) Performing Arts Guild of Trimaris
- Shire of the Ruins
(Polk County, FL)
- Barony of the Southern Wastes (Incipient)
(McMurdo Station, Antarctica)
- Shire of Sangre del Sol
(Fort Lauderdale/Boca Raton, FL)
- Shire of Sea March
(Palm Beach County, FL)
- Shire of Southkeep
(Miami/Dade County, FL)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Stagridge
(Highlands County, FL)
- Shire of Starhaven
Brevard and Indian River Counties
- (Bad link?) Shire of the Storm
(North Pinellas County, FL)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Vaca del Mar
(Volusia & Flagler Counties, Fl)
- (Bad link?) Shire of TriOs
(Martin & St. Lucie Counties, Fl)
- (Bad link?) Clan House of Wolfsire
- Barony of Wyvernwoode
(Hillsborough County, FL)
Unknown group:
(north CA, north NV, AK, Far East)
- West Kingdom Roll of Arms
- (Bad link?) Crossbows & Crossbow Bolts
Principality of Cynagua
(north/central, non-costal CA (including Sacramento Valley); north NV)
- Cynaguan Arts and Science Homepage
- (Bad link?) Shire of Bestwodeschire
(Redding, CA)
- Shire of Betony Wood
(SE Sacramento, CA)
- BAD LINK (Shire of Champclair) (Solano County, CA)
- (Bad link?) Cynagua Marshallate
- (Bad link?) House Mysticus
(Sacramento, CA)
- House Silver d'Or
- BAD LINK (Shire of Canale) (Stanislaus and Merced Counties, CA)
- (Bad link?) House DarkClaw
(Cynagua, Citrus Hights, CA)
- (Bad link?) The Dark Side of Silver
- BAD LINK (Barny of Fettburg)
- Province of Golden Rivers
(Sacramento, CA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Mont d'Or
(Nevada County and north-eastern Placer County, CA)
- Barony of the Rivenoak
(Chico, CA)
- Province of the Silver Desert
(Reno, NV)
- Shire of Vakkerfjell (Yuba Co, CA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Windy Meads
- The Fury
(Yuba City/Marysville, CA)
- (Bad link?) Mór Dhàna - Mor Dhana and Eber Flann
- Cariadoc of the Bow
David Friedman
- Shire of Caldarium
(Marin County, CA)
- (Bad link?) Shire of Cloondara
(email contact) (San Francisco city/county, CA)
- Shire of Crosston
- Aldric of the Northmark (Bad link?) Glen McGregor
- BAD LINK (Siobhan Medhbh O'Roarke)
- Barony of Darkwood
(Santa Cruz/Monterey Counties, CA)
- (Bad link?) College of Saint David
(U.C. Santa Cruz, CA)
- David ben Avraham Brisk (Bad link?) David Bedno
- BAD LINK (Caer Darth) (Santa Cruz, CA)
- BAD LINK (Dominic De Lyon) BAD LINK (Craig Jackson)
- Crown Province of the Mists
(East SF Bay area: Berkeley, Antioch, etc, CA)
- Rabbit's Foot Meadery
Mead for the masses by Master Fionn
- Province of the Southern Shores
(Santa Clara County, CA)
- Steven MacEanruig (Steve Henderson)
(Includes the list of belted fighter linages, obnoxious songs, and old photos.)
- (Bad link?) Barony of Vinhold
(Napa,Vallejo, Sonoma, CA)
- Barony of Westermark
(San Mateo County, CA)
Unknown groups
- The Golden Stag Players
- (Bad link?) Mystics Household
The Marches (northern CA, Japan, Korea)
- BAD LINK (Shire of RavenShore) (Mendocino and Lake Counties, CA)
- (Bad link?) A Directory of Households
- SCA Japanese Membership Map
- Anglesey
Iron age Celtic mercenaries
- The Artisan's Colony of Revelwood
- (Bad link?) Barbarian Freehold Alliance
- Black Talon Mercenary Company
Professional Soldiers Available For Hire!
- (Bad link?) Blut Wache (Blood Guard)
(International Household based in the East, Trimeris, Atlantia, Drachenwald and others)
- (Bad link?) La Cammora dei Luna dell'Falcone
- House Bellatrix
- Clan Blue Feather
- Clan Drummond
- (Bad link?) Clann OiCarrinuinn
- (Bad link?) Company of Saint Michael
- The Dark Horde
or here
- Dark Horde Moritu
Interkingdom household researching Mongolian culture
- House de Montfort
(Mostly Oertha, West Kingdom, An Tir)
- Dragon Clan
- The Mighty House of Dragon
Brewers dancers drummers fighters party people
- Ernak Horde
A Horde of Huns
- House Fettered Fleur
- (Bad link?) House Firebrand
- (Bad link?) Virtual Fooles Troupe
- House of Four Pheons
- (Bad link?) The Fray
Caidan branch of the inter-kingdom fighting unit
- The HUNT - An SCA Search Engine
- (Bad link?) Gotthiudos Kunja
2nd-century eastern Germanic & related
- (Bad link?) Horsemen of Judgment Keep
- Ice Cube Imports
(Middle Eastern & bellydance music, costuming accessories, and more)(Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
- House ICOD
"a modern medievalist household"
- BAD LINK (Iron Lance) Free Company of Iron Lance
- BAD LINK (Knaves of Grain) (brewers, vintners, and cordial makers)
- BAD LINK (House Locksley)
- Markland Medieval Militia
- BAD LINK (House Maxwell) (email
- The Medieval Times
News from and for the Knowne World
- Milites Christi: Templar Archives
- House of the Mountain Bridge Mountain Confederation
- (Bad link?) Family Owls Lair
- Mounted Tournament Company
- The Pennsic Pirates
(For all pirates, and those interested in all things Piratical)
- (Bad link?) Pink Fuzzy Bunny
- League of Rapier Academies
- (Bad link?) Robin's Roughnecks
A mercenary unit specializing in punching open shield walls
- BAD LINK (Federated Clans of House Rolling Thunder)
- (Bad link?) The Freehold of the Rozakii
Ealdormere and Æthelmearc
- Company of St. Anne
- Rome
Atlantia-based Roman Household
- BAD LINK (Shadewes Company)
- (Bad link?) The Skullwood Clan
(members from Midrealm, Trimaris, but mostly Æthelmearc)
- (Bad link?) House Stahlgeist
- (Bad link?) House Stonecastle
- Tuchux
- (Bad link?) Ulfgard (10th cent. Hiberno-Norse Household)
located in Caid and Atenveldt
- (Bad link?) THE WEB - a household in the SCA
Based in Ansteorra with members in five kingdoms
- (Bad link?) House Wolfstar
Mercenary House of Wolfstar
- (Bad link?) Clan Wulfgard
(Gaelic-Viking Mercenary Clan, Hiberno-Saxon household)
- Alden and Cali Hackmann's Hurdy-Gurdy Shop
- (Bad link?) Angevin Treasures
(home decor, Anglo-Norman costume, CDs, mugs, jewelry)
- (Bad link?) Annies Costumes and Magic
- (Bad link?) Ana's Accoutremonts Custom Garb "We Fit EVERY Body!"
1-888-SEW-FITS (739-3487)
- Anastacia's Garb and Pavilions
- The Armory
- (Bad link?) Artistic Iron
- BAD LINK (Black Hydra Armouries)
- (Bad link?) Blades of Tara
- (Bad link?) Bluesky Productions
- BAD LINK (Brassmyth Celtic Jewelry and Gifts)
- (Bad link?) B Sharp Fabrics
(supplying the living history re-enactor - fabrics, buttons, embroidery supplies, bullions, books, patterns, tools, etc.)
- The Cat and the Quill
- (Bad link?) Canyon Keep Enterprises
(Period Pigments, Natural Dyes, Books)
- BAD LINK (Celtic Cultures)
- (Bad link?) The Celtic Weaver: Period Clothing and Accoutremonts
- Compangie di Ventura
(lighting, pointy things)
- Cost Less Costumes
- (Bad link?) Cutting Edge
- Dark Victory Armory
High Performance Low Cost HDPE armor (Bellows Falls, VT)
- (Bad link?) Diana's Shaft Shop
- Dragon's Magic aka Class Act Fabrics
- Dreamsinger Harps by Muis
- Embroidery by Atalaya
- (Bad link?) Ethnic Musical Instruments
- Fettered Cock Pewters
Medieval dress accessories and other fine wares
- (Bad link?) Fine Art Metal
- Fine Chainmail Jewelry
Finely crafted stainless steel chainmail necklaces and bracelets
- Gaukler Medieval Wares
jewellery and antiquities
- (Bad link?) The Gilded Lily
- (Bad link?) Green Duck
(books, patterns, needlework stuff)
- (Bad link?) Griffin Music: Hammer Dulcimers
- Gryphon's Moon
(Celtic jewelry, tapestries, gargoyles, and more)
- (Bad link?) Gypsyroaddog
Jewelry of Earthly Delights
- Icefalcon Armory
- (Bad link?) Kirby Wise-Fraser
- Knowne World Meads
We carry the best meads made
- El Clan Luna - Travelling Gypsy Apothecary
(we sell soaps, herbals and other items for YOUR medieval health!)
- Lark in the Morning
- (Bad link?) Luinrandir the Silversmith
- BAD LINK (M.A.S. Weapons)
- (Bad link?) Maeve's Unmentionables - Renaissance Clothing and Jewelry
- (Bad link?) SCA Merchants Directory
- Medieval/Renaissance Costuming in Leather/Custom Creations by Anoria
[based in Baryony of Carillion]
- North Star Archery
SCA Combat Archery Supplies
- (Bad link?) Odds 'n' Sods For Re-enactors
For all your re-enactment needs.
- (Bad link?) Pegasus Music
- (Bad link?) Ragnar's Ragweed Forge
- Reconstructing History
(Providing patterns, notions, fabric, custom and ready-to-wear clothing, shoes, books and accessories.)(Email for Info)
- The Ring Lord
The Complete Chainmail webpage
- (Bad link?) Satyr Song
- (Bad link?) Small Churl Books
- Sunara's Clothing
Quality costumes in natural fabrics to size 4x
- Surefoot-Fellwalker Boltwrights
Medieval & Renaissance style SCA combat crossbows and ABD bolt kits
- (Bad link?) Tentmasters
- Therion Arms
Antique and fine reproduction arms and armor
- (Bad link?) Tuscany Trading Company
- (Bad link?) TyGr Creations
Metalworking and other items
- (Bad link?) Tyger Cub Enterprises
- The Vault of Valhalla
(Handsculpted, handcast Viking, Celtic & Anglo-Saxon jewelry (Calanais, Nuadh, Calontir))
- Viking Metalworks
- (Bad link?) Wandering Sheep
(hand made felt, wool, hand cast pewter)
- (Bad link?) the Wareham Forge
Historic Reproductions in Metal
- BAD LINK (Safia al-Khansaa') (Safia's artwork website, period pics, how-to's, Middle Eastern "stuff")
This list was started on February 2, 1996 by Mistress Ellisif and was passed to Eric on January 28, 1999.
This file was last updated: Sun Oct 7 09:40:28 2018Thanks to Galen of Bristol for help with the graphics on this page!
This compilation is Copyright 1994-1998 by Monica Cellio and (c) 1999-present by Eric Praetzel. I encourage links, updates, suggestions, and all SCA-related non-commercial use so long as this notice and credit to me are retained.Please don't copy parts of the listing for your own pages as these pages are hard to keep up to date!