I've typed in Fallow's transcriptions of the music in the Gresley papers
This is my first swing at getting this music up. I'm sure there are mistakes!
Song | MIDI file | NWC file | PDF file | ZIP archive | everything | Prenes a gard | MIDI | NWC | Eglamo?? - No 2 p. 73 | MIDI | NWC | Title Ilegible - No 3, p.75 | MIDI | NWC | Title Ilegible - No 4, p.75-74 | MIDI | NWC | Title Ilegible - No 5, p.74 | MIDI | NWC | Northumberland:3 - No 6, p.77 | MIDI | NWC | Att???? - No 7, p.77 | MIDI | NWC | Esper??:3 - No 8, p.76 | MIDI | NWC | Bary??:2 - No 9, p.76 | MIDI | NWC | Temper?? 3 - No 10, p.79 | MIDI | NWC | La duches - No 11, p.79 | MIDI | NWC | Talbott:2 - No 12, p.78 | MIDI | NWC | Ly bens distoays - No 13, p.78 | MIDI | NWC |
The manuscript was found by David Fallows among the Gresley Papers held in the Derbyshire Record Office, Matlock. He dates it to c1500 +/- 20 years.
Fallows, David: "The Gresley dance collection, c. 1500",
RMA research chronicle, xxix (1996), pp. 1-20.
There are 91 choreographic titles listed, but evidently only 26 actual
Jennifer says that it seems to be an amalgam of French and Italian dance
elements with more of an Italian flavor. There are English words for
both French and Italian steps, but lots of flexibility in step
combinations and patterns.
The Matlock dances seem very similar to Italian balli in that they offer
a variety of floor patterns for various numbers of dancers. The
majority are for two or three dancers, 2 dances are for 4, and seven
dances do not specify.
The table of steps she gives has these names for the English steps:
obeysawance (she equates with riverenza)
wholl torne
half torne
flowrdelice (???)
trett (???)
retrett (???)
rak/rakkis (???)
horn pepy
She also gives these terms as directional indicators ("a feature lacking in the French basse danse, but common in both the Italian ballo and bassadanza")
furth / furthright
out / outward
com froo / throth tham / goo throth
contrary hyme
com / mett together
goo behend
goo compas
change places
change handes
torne aboute
move / a mevyng
loke over the shuldyr
Another interesting point is that she says the tunes are "remarkably similar" to Italian balli. They are written moslty in major prolation, share a similar range of notes, and are written in semibreves and minims (unlike French basse danses that are in even breves).
She gives an example of musical repeat schemes for two of the Matlock dances:
_Prenes in gre_ AAA B CC A B
_Northumberland_ AAA B CCC B C DD E
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