Canadian Olde Tyme Square Dance Association

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The Square Dance Album with Calls

[It started as an record album, then turned into a cassette, then into a cd, and now it's FREE for your use and enjoyment]

Dance - Music
1) Dip and Dive - Rock Valley Jig
2) My Little Girl - My Little Girl
3) Arch in the Middle - Ste. Anne's Reel
4) The Devil to Pay - Fairy Toddler's Jig
5) Waltz Quadrille - Waltz Quadrille
6) Texas Star - Dusty Miller Reel
7) Chase the Lady - Lake on the Mountain
8) Birdie in the Cage - Little Roy's Breakfast
9) Canadian Breakdown - McDowell's Breakdown
10) Black and Tan (The Basket) - Murray River Jig
11) Forward Four in Line - Harvey's Tune
12) Double Pass Through - Angus Campbell

Dip and Dive - Murray Fraser calling

My Little Girl - Murray Fraser calling

Arch in the Middle - Murray Fraser calling

The Devil to Pay - Murray Smith calling

Waltz Quadrille - Murray Smith calling

Texas Star - Murray Smith calling

Chase the Lady - Murray Fraser calling

Birdie in the Cage - Murray Fraser calling

Canadian Breakdown - Murray Fraser

Black and Tan (Basket Dance) - Murray Smith calling

Forward Four in Line - Murray Smith calling

Double Pass Thru - Murray Smith calling

Dances called by Murray Fraser

Dip and Dive

First couple lead out to the right
Join your hands and circle a half
The inside up and the outside under
Same over here, same over yonder
Dip and dive on the ocean waves
Go all the way over, go all the way back
You make your feet go whickedy whack
Dive thru and lead to the next

Join your hands and circle a half (with cple #3)
Dive thru and lead to the last

Join your hands and circle a half (with cple #4)
The inside up and the outside under
Same over here, same over yonder
Dip and dive on the ocean waves
Go all the way over, go all the way back
You make your feet go whickedy whack
Dive thru to your places all

During the first figure - the first, second and fourth couples are lined up and three couples "dip and dive".
During the second half - the first, fourth and second couples are lined up and three couples "dip and dive".
Couples facing out do a "California twirl" to face into the centre of the set.

My Little Girl

Head couple promenade around the outside
Around the outside of that ring
Head ladies chain right down the centre
And then chain right back again
Head ladies chain with the right hand ladies
And you chain them back again
Head ladies chain the left hand ladies
And then chain them home again

Do-ce-do - the corner lady
Then you do-ce-do your own
Allemande left -- the left hand lady
And you grand chain, half way'round (to your partner)
When you meet her, just do-ce-do her
Then you swing her twice around
Promenade -- and serenade her
She's the cutest gal in town
Repeat FIGURE & BREAK with couples 2 - 3 - 4


The head two couples go forward and back
Forward again and take the opposite split the sides
Separate, go around one to a line of four
Forward eight, back you go
Forward again, pass through
Arch in the middle, the ends turn in
Circle four in the middle of the floor, once around
Pass through, split the sides
Separate, go round one to a line of four
Forward eight, back you go
Forward again, pass through
Arch in the middle. the ends turn in.
Circle four in the middle of the floor, once around
Pass through to an allemande left and grand chain.

Chase the Lady

Head two couples turn to the right
And chase your lady round those two
Lady round two, gent cut through
Chase the gent around the two
Gent around two, lady cut through
And circle a half
Pass through to the middle of the set
And circle four you're not through yet

Other way back left hand star

Chase your lady round the next two
Lady round two, gent cut through
Chase the gent around the two
Gent around two, lady cut through
And circle a half
Pass through to your places all.

Repeat for side couples.

(1) Active lady walks around behind the stationary couple, gent follows her half-way then cut through between that couple to put himself ahead of his lady, he now leads around behind the couple with the lady following halfway, then this time she cuts through. Both couples then face.

Birdie in the Cage

First couple lead out to the right
Join your hands and circle four
Bird in the cage and three hands round
Bird fly out and the hawk fly in
Hawk fly out and give birdie a swing
Two couples swing, two couples swing

On to the next and don't get mixed
Pick up two and circle six
Bird in the cage and five hands round
Bird fly out and the hawk fly in
Hawk fly out and give birdie a swing
Three couples swing, three couples swing

On to the last and don't be late
Pick up two and circle eight
Bird in the cage and seven hands round
Bird fly out and the hawk fly in
Hawk fly out and give birdie a swing
Four couples swing, four couples swing

Ending Note: 1. "Bird" / woman steps into the centre of a three-hand circle. The circle rotates C. W.
2. "Bird" / woman steps out of the centre of the three-hand circle and the "hawk" man steps into the centre of the three-hand circle. The lady joins the three-hand circle. The circle rotates C. W.
3. First and second couples move on and pick up the third couple.
4. First, second and third couples move on and pick up the fourth couple.

Canadian Breakdown

1 16 The head two couples promenade around the outside of the ring (cpls. 1 & 3 walk to their right behind the side cpls.)
Go all the way around
17 24 Go right and left through with the couple you meet
(cpl. 1 with cpl. 2 ; cpl. 3 with cpl. 4)
25 32 Go right and left back with the same two
1 8 The same two ladies chain across (1&2, 3&4)
9 16 Turn the ladies and chain them back
17 24 The same two couples do a half promenade (cpl.1&2 trade places,3&4 likewise gents passing left shoulders with each other)
25 32 Right and left through to your home place.
The figure is repeated for the side two couples, then a break .
The dance sequence is Introduction, Hds Bk, Sds Bk, Hds Bk, Sds Bk. When the side couples promenade, cpl. 2 will meet cpl.3 and cpl.4 will meet cpl. 1.

Dances called by Murray Smith

The Devil to Pay

First couple go forward and back
Forward again, the lady stay
The gent go home, the devil to pay
Forward three and three fall back
The ladies go round the outside track
Forward three and three fall back
The ladies go round the outside track
Forward three and pick up one
Circle a half and just for fun

Right and left thru to your places all

The (opposite) man has a lady on each side.
The first (active) man goes home alone.
Both ladies leave the line of three, walk around the outside of the set and form a line of three with the first (active) man.
The first (active) man has a lady on each side.
Both ladies leave the line of three, walk around the outside of the set and form a line of three with the third (opposite) man.
The third (opposite) man has a lady on each side.
Circle C. W. halfway (one circle with four dancers).

Waltz Quadrille

First couple down centre
And there you divide
The lady go right and the gent to the side (left)
Now honour your partner
And the corner the same
And take that corner lady
For a waltz promenade

Couples waltz around the set C. C. W.

Change partners at the end of each figure. Each man finishes the figure with his last corner as his new partner.

Texas Star

Ladies to the centre and back to the bar,
The gents go in with a right hand star,
Star by the right around you go,
Back by the left hand not too slow.

"Pass your partner and
Pick up next with an arm around."
(if not changing partners, change to "Pick up your partner and star promenade)
The ladies turn in and gents back out,
Once and a half you turn about.

Now the ladies star promenade,
The ladies back out and the gents turn in,
Once and a half you are gone again.
Star promenade to the gents home place.

(repeat 3 more times to get your partner back)

Four ladies step into the center, rotating ccw to face partner, then step back to place, rotating ccw. Four gents star by the right using the box star hold. Reverse with a left hand star, pass by partner and the next lady steps in to become new partner. Keep star intact, walking with nearest arms around partners' waists. Keeping waist hold, gents release star and couples wheel around ccw one whole turn and halfway. The ladies now form a right hand box star. Ladies next release the star and couples wheel cw halfway so men can reform the star. Finish by promenading home with the new partner to gents original home spot.

Black and Tan

1 8 First couple go out to the right and circle four halfway round
9 10 The ladies join your lily white hands
11 12 And the gents join your black and tan.
13 14 The ladies bow (cue for the gents to raise their arms up and down behind the ladies)
15 16 And the gents bow under (ladies cue to raise their arms up and over)
17 32 Form your basket and go like thunder.
33 36 Drop your hands, and add two more (3rd cpl. between 1st gent and 2nd lady)
37 40 Circle 6 in the middle of the floor.
The ladies join your lily white... etc.(repeat from count 9 32)
The dance continues and couple 4 are added to the fun.
Break The dance is repeated for each gent to lead the figure.

Forward Four in Line


Figure: First couple go forward and back
Forward again and split the opposite 1
The lady go gee, the gent go haw 2
Around one to a line of four and balance four in line 3

Forward four in line 4
Right and left thru behind the line
Backward four in line 5
Right and left thru in front of the line

Forward four in line 4
Chain the ladies behind the line
Backward four in line 5
Chain the ladies in front of the line

Forward four, join your hands and circle a half 6
Right and left thru to your places all

Second couple
Third couple
Fourth (last) couple

Note: 1. The active couple walks between the opposite couple and faces out.
2. "Gee" - turn to the Right. "Haw" - turn to the left.
3. The first lady stands beside the third man (on his left).
The first man stands beside the third lady (on her right).
4. The line of four walks forward and stops.
5. The line of four walks backward and stops.
6. Circle C. W. halfway (one circle with four dancers).

Double Pass Through

1st couple promenade
around the outside of the ring.
Stand behind the opposite two.

Forward 4 and the 4 fall back.
Forward again with the lead turn left
and the next turn right, stand behind the sides.

Forward 8 and the 8 fall back,
Forward again with a double pass through,
The lead turn left, the next turn right.
Pass through the first you meet,
Go right and left through with the next wee 2.
Right and left back on the same old track.

The same 2 ladies chain,
Chain them on over and chain them on back
Over the hill and into the shack.
Same 2 couples do a half promenade,
Right and left through to your places all.

(repeat for sides)

Dance Descriptions

Music Rock Valley Jig
First couple moves to the centre of the set, turns and faces couple #2, join hands with couple #2 and circle half way around. Release the grip with the other couple. Couple #1 dives under the arch, then makes an arch facing couple #4. Couple #2 turns to face the centre (make an arch, lady walks under the arch while the gent walks around behind her to face couple #4). Couple #4 dives under the arch and makes an arch in the centre of the set facing couple #2. Couple #1 turns to face the centre. Couple #2 dives under the arch, then makes an arch for couple #11. Continue this pattern until couples #2 and #4 are back to home place. Couple #1 continues to couple #3, join hands and circle half way around and dive through the arch made by couple #3 and continue to couple #4 where you join hands, circle a half and repeat the dip and dive while couple #3 turns to face the centre and remains in their place until couple #1 completes the dip and dive. Remember, if you are in the middle of the set you make the arch and if you are on the outside facing in, you dive under the arch.
Caller Murray Fraser

Music My Little Girl

No. 1 couple promenades around the outside of the set counter clockwise while couples #2, 3 and 4 take a step toward the middle of the set. When couple #1 is all the way around the other couples step back out to place. No. 1 lady changes (chain) with #3, the gents turning them with a courtesy turn, and chain back to place. Lady #1 changes with lady #2 while lady #3 changes with lady #4, now chain them back to place. Lady #1 chains with #4 lady while lady #3 chains with #2 lady, now chain them back to place. After the break(s) couples 2, 3 & 4 repeat the pattern.
Caller Murray Fraser

Music Ste. Anne's Reel

Couples #1 and #3 walk in to the centre of the set and back to place. The same couples move forward again, the gents taking the opposite lady as new partner, turn to face out to the side couples. Side couples step apart to allow the head couples to pass between them, then step in to partner and face the centre while the head ladies turn right and walk around behind and stand beside side gents. Meanwhile, the head gents are walking around behind the side ladies to stand beside side ladies and forming a line of four. The two lines move forward to the centre and back. The two lines move forward again and pass through the approaching line of four, hands at sides, right shoulder to right shoulder with the person facing you (ladies meet gents). Side couples make an arch in the middle of the line and the person on each end of the line comes around to take the person from the other end of the Iine by the hand to dive under the arch and meet the couple coming from the opposite side, join hand with the opposite couple and circle left, once, all the way around while the side couples turn to face the centre with the lady walking under the arch and the gent walking around behind her. The two couples in the middle pass through with the couple facing, pass between the side couples as before and repeat above instructions to the point where the head couples pass through to meet the corner with the left hand for an allemande left.
CalIer Murray Fraser

Music Fairy Toddler's Jig

Number 1 couple walks forward and back, then forward again. No. 1 lady steps over to stand beside the #3 gent and makes a line of three. The #1 gent backs home alone. The line of three walks forward and back. The ladies #1 & #3 leave #3 gent (#3 lady turns right, #1 lady turns left) and walk around the outside of the set to stand beside #1 gent. No. 1 lady walked behind couple #2 and #3 lady walked behind couple #4. The new line of three walk forward and back. The ladies leave #1 gent and walk around the outside to make a line with #3 gent. The line of three walks forward, #1 gent joins hands with #1 and #3 ladies and circle left, half way around. Both couples are now facing toward their "home". The caller may say either pass through to home place or go right and left through to your home place.

Repeat with #2 couple going forward, then #3 couple and couple #4.
Caller Murray D. Smith

Music Waltz Quadrille

Number 1 couple does a waltz step (left close left, right close right) down the centre and goes between #3 couple. No. 1 lady turns to her right and continues to waltz step around behind couple #2, around the outside of the set to her home place while #1 gent turns left and waltzes around the outside behind couple #4 and meets his partner at home place where they bow to each other, then they bow to the corner. Everyone in the set also bows and each gent takes the left hand lady (corner lady) in waltz position and waltzes around the set and stops at gents' home place with this new partner. Each gent will have two turns going down the centre as described above.
Caller Murray D. Smith

Music Dusty Miller Reel

The ladies, while holding their partners' hand, step into the middle of the square and immediately step out under the arch they have formed with their partners' hand and stand beside their partner. The gents only step into the middle with a right hand star and walk forward, they clap and star with the left hand and walk past their partner and while holding the star scoop up the right hand lady to star promenade. No. 1 gent is promenading with #2 lady, #2 gent with #3 lady and so on.

The gents let go of the star and back out while the ladies walk forward one and one half turns, letting the ladies form a star with their right hands and the couples star promenade moving clockwise. The ladies let go of the star and back out one and one half turns to let the gents star home to his home position with his new partner.

After a break, this is repeated and the gents will get a different partner again. No. 1 gent will pick up the next right hand lady who will be #3 lady. Four times through and you get your original partner back.

Note: In this dance the gent picks up the lady designated by putting his right arm around the lady's waist. The lady must also put her left arm around the gent's waist and hold on to this new partner while the stars are let go, turned around and re formed.
Caller Murray D. Smith

Music Lake on the Mountain

First couple steps into the middle of the set and faces couple #2. No. 1 lady walks around #2 couple with her partner following. He walks around #2 gent and passes from back to front between #2 lady and #2 gent. Now #1 gent leads around couple #2 with his lady following. She walks around #2 gent and comes from back to front between #2 lady and gent, meeting her partner to swing while the other 6 dancers circle left, swing or stand still as the caller directs. Move to couple #3 and repeat, then on to couple #4 and do it again.

Couples #2, 3 and 4 repeat the same pattern.
CalIer Murray Fraser

Music Little Roy's Breakfast

Number 1 couple steps into the middle and faces #2 couple, they join hands and circle left. No. 1 lady steps into the middle of their small circle and #1 gent and #2 couple circle three around her. No. 1 lady (referred to as "birdie") steps out and #1 gent (the crow or hawk) steps in and now #1 lady and #2 couple circle around #1 gent. Couple #1 then swings in the centre of the set while couples #2, 3 and 4 join hands to form a circle around them and travel clockwise once around them to place. Couple #1 moves on to repeat the same pattern with couple #3 and then on to couple #4, listening to the caller for instructions to circle 6, six stand still or all swing (with your own partner).

Repeat the above with couple #2 in the middle, then couple #3, and then couple #4.
Caller Murray Fraser

Music McDowell's Breakdown

All eight dancers join hands in a circle, step in to the middle of the set and back out to place. Repeat, this time raising the hands in the centre and giving a short yell or whoop, then back to place. Couples #2 and #4 step into the centre while couples #1 and #3 promenade counter clockwise around the outside until back to place. Couple #1 meets couple #2 while couple #3 meets couple #4. These couples go right and left through, then right and left back to place. This is done diagonally across the corners of the set. Now the ladies chain and chain back (ladies #1 & #2 chain while ladies #3 & #4 chain). The same couples half promenade, exchanging places, then go right and left to home place.
Repeat with couples #1 and #3 in the centre and couples #2 and #4 promenading around the outside. Couple #2 meets couple #3 and couple #4 meets couple #1.
Caller Murray Fraser

Music Murray River Jig

Number 1 couple steps into the middle, turns to face couple #2 and they circle to the left. No. 1 & #2 ladies reach over and join hands. Then the #1 & #2 gents reach over, above the ladies joined hands, and join hands. The ladies bow their heads and the gents move their joined hands up, over, and down behind the ladies' backs. The gents bow their heads and the ladies move their joined hands up, over, and down behind the gents' backs. With everyone leaning slightly back, the two couples circle to the left in this basket position. Couples #1 & #2 drop hands and back out to join hands in a simple circle, then gent #1 opens the circle on his left to admit couple #3 who join the circle. The basket is then re formed with the ladies reaching in and joining hands (referred to as "ladies cross their lily white hands"), then the men cross their black and tan (hands). The dance proceeds and couple No. 4 is finally added to dance through the pattern.
Caller Murray D. Smith

Music Harvey's Tune

Number 1 couple walks forward and back, then walks forward and goes between couple #3. No. 1 lady walks around behind #3 gent and stands on his left and join inside hands. No. 1 gent walks around behind #3 lady and completes the line of four. The line walks forward four steps and stops there and balances in place while couples #2 and #4 do a right and left through behind them. The line backs up four steps and balances while couples #2 and #4 do a right and left back to place in front of the line.

The line moves forward four steps and balances while ladies #2 and #4 chain across the set. The line backs up four steps and balances while ladies #2 and #4 chain back to their original partners. The line walks forward two steps and the #1 gent and #1 lady step toward each other and join hands and couples #1 and #3 circle left half way around and stop. They drop hands and pass through to their home place. To turn and face back into the set the gent makes an arch with his right hand and the lady's left hand and while she walks under the arch to face into the square, the gent walks around her to face in.

The dance is repeated for couples #2, 3 and 4.
Caller Murray D. Smith

Music Angus Campbell

Number 1 couple walks to their right and stands behind couple #3 (opposite). Couples #1 & #3 walk forward four steps, back four steps, forward again with the lead couple turning left, the following couple turning right. The lead couple (couple #3 is referred to as the first couple) is now standing behind couple #2 and couple #1 is behind couple #4.

Everyone walks forward four steps, back four steps, forward again and with your hands at your sides, pass right shoulder to right shoulder with the persons facing you and who are coming toward you (a double pass through). The lead couples turn left, the following couples (referred to as the second couples) turn right. All couples pass through the first couple they meet and keep on going to meet the next couple with whom they do a right and left through, then do a right and left back with that same couple. The same two couples continue to work together by chaining the ladies over to the other gent and then chaining them back again. The two couples trade places (promenade a half) and are now facing home. Everyone does a right and left through to their home place and faces into the square.
Caller Murray D. Smith